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Billie Jean
Your Pitch

I would like to mention that I have seen spaceships, heard the noise, and also have some small characters at my place, they are only approx 4' tall, white and big eyes, and recently I have an entity in my home that is around 7-8 feet tall, and this one night my sister and cousin had stopped by, and when they were in bed, the entity was watching them, yes benevolent for sure.  As I do not get much company, as a healer and a knowing that I am from the star bros and sisters.  I also have seen humans ones that have passed and either I give them a message, and if I do not, then it is a constant voice within until I go to that person and or animal and give the message.

I also speak with my council members on a regular basis.  It is hard for me to speak to anyone from around here in northern alberta, as most of them are in the 3D aspect, and do not want to hear anything.

I would most defenityly like to connect with like minded folks

As well mother earth and I have a great understanding and respect for one another.

I could go on and on with this, but I will keep it short and sweet..



Since I have entered this planet, I have always known that I do not belong to the blood family I was brought through. I have been an intuitive 7 gifted lady since I came to mother earth.  And have been discredited for the gifts I have.  Either I am too sensitive, and or and or. 

I did always push my gifts aside, until one day I could not.  

I am of native background, I do drum and believe the native spiritual realm.  

As we all know that we are considered different, and my truth is my truth.  Like the above, I would love to connect with like-minded humans.

It will be amazing when all of humanity wakes up and receives the messages from our star bros and sisters and our ancestors.

I could go on and on.  I have written a book in regards to my four-legged friends and their gifts they had to offer myself and the journey we all went on till they had crossed.  I have two four-legged friends at the moment. I have healed some animals, and have healed some of my sister's horses and received messages from them. 

I am considered an introvert, and that is ok with me.  At least I know who I am, and I am learning each and every day, and becoming more and more in tune with my star bros and sisters, ancestors and council.

So that being said, it would be a pleasure to be involved with your group and understood.

I understand the way that the world is supposed to be and not what it is.

I even went to the length of changing my whole name, from Leisa Boos to Billie Jean, and some will ask why, and I say that you would not understand.  And the ones that I do know would not.  Only the ones that are on the ascension process will and do.


Billie Jean
