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Bringing Intimacy Back with Dr April Brown and Dr Kelly

Bringing Intimacy Back with Dr. April Brown, co-host Dr. Kelly Bushey and guest Jim Magadanz, Retirement Expert, Professional Speaker

Title: What's The Plan? Finances and Retirement

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about expanding in our later years of life rather than feeling stuck or stagnant by limitations.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about the long and short of relationships. We discuss helping children through the effects of a divorce, and the impact that relationships can have on financial literacy.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss avoiding desperation and unhappy moments in life and in retirement. We talk about the suicides of famous clothing designer, Kate Spade, and chef and TV personality, Anthony Bourdain. We also address the significant portion of the population that feels desperate about their financial circumstances – especially when it comes to inadequate planning for retirement.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss what you need to know now that we are living longer and what this means when planning for the future.


Financial consultant, Cheri Blair, and Insurance agent, Roshanak Clune, join the show today to share important advice about financial literacy, retirement, Medicare, and making money last.


Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss love and money – two of the most difficult areas in so many people’s lives.


Our guest, Glenda Shenkal, also known as the “True Love Guru,”  shares helpful insight on finding true love and transitioning from the single life to a happily partnered life.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss transitioning through the ups and downs of money.

Our first guest, Shirlene Reeves, talks about the importance of selling from the heart. Our second guest, Lesa Artzberger, shares some great tips on how to make money last through retirement.

We discuss:

We will be presented options most Americans do not see as possible. In the next hour we will talk to Mika who lived in America and was highly successful in her career. She had family and reasons to be thrilled, but was not at all happy, and was depleted from what was to come.