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The space located in the middle of BBS Radio's home page, at the bottom middle of the schedule pages and at the bottom of over eight hundred talk show program pages; talk shows that are no longer broadcasting live or podcasting with the network, are for host and podcaster advertisements. These pages can be highly trafficked, as we make all program archives (podcasts) available for free, to read, to listen to, and to download by the world. Banner must be 568 px wide or less and 284 px high or less.

The space located on the lower left hand column of BBS Radio's website main pages, is for host and podcaster advertisements. Banner must be 200 px wide or less and 300 px high or less. These banners are all hyperlinked to a destination URL (the advertiser or sponsor's website), so when someone presses on the image it takes them to your intended destination (a URL)! It's super cheap and only available to our hosts and podcasters. Call us for pricing and we may create the banner advertisement for free!

If you were to add the phrase, "This program was brought to you by SPONSOR NAME and SPONSOR LINK in the "Body" field in your Blogs and Articles, or in the "Upcoming Information" (Headline A Show) content types, that phrase would get maximum coverage, because those content types are syndicated to BBS Radio's home page, both Station 1 and Station 2 schedule pages, on the main schedule page, in the Newsroom, on your show profile page, on BBS Radio's LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter social sites, as well, yours (just make sure you've linked your social sites - it only takes seconds), and all

You can literally add sponsor and advertiser information to almost any type of content that has a description field and allows for text input. For example, you could add, "This program was brought to you by SPONSOR NAME and SPONSOR LINK" in the "About Episode" field section within your episode content (individual show archive page/podcast episode page). Almost all content with a long description field has copy and paste ability, so you can add content from another website. You can also change fonts, sizes, colors, etc.

Upload sponsor and advertiser text files and other handouts to your show page, including .doc, .pdf, and .txt files. Sometimes your sponsor or advertiser has electronic information for download, like coupons, books, promotional leaflets, and other text based information that can be read or downloaded at leisure. This information will be located near the top middle of your program page.

You can add small banner graphics with a maximum width of 200 px and a maximum height of 500 px, to the bottom left column of your show page. You can add large banner graphics with a maximum height and width of 760 px, to the center middle of your show page. All your graphic images can be associated with a hyperlink, so when someone presses an image, it automatically redirects them to a sponsor or advertiser website.

You can easily upload a video file to your episode information pages (also known as archive pages; podcast pages). Currently we allow for mp4, ogv, flv, and webm video file formats to be uploaded into the system, but we can easily allow for others. Just ask!

Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Add or Upload Video", then check FULL HTML in the pull-down menu below the ABOUT VIDEO section, and then PRESS the SOURCE button on the top right of the editor! At that point, you can paste the embed code into the ABOUT VIDEO body area, the EMBED code is usually provided as an option on almost every YouTube Video. The code will usually show up after you've pressed the SHARE button under a YouTube Video. Simply paste this code (the embed code) into the ABOUT VIDEO section!

Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Add Episode Information" and provide their names and other details in the field entitled "Show Sponsors and Advertisers". If you want to highlight them even more, add their Website Name and URL in the field entitled "Sponsor and Advertiser Links." This becomes a permanent part of the information displayed to any visitor seeking to find your podcast and listen to the show. Each podcast is essentially featured on it's own node-page!

You have the ability to upload any audio expression (audio file), in almost any format, of almost any length, to the top of your show page, with the ability to title the audio file and link that title to the sponsor or advertiser's website. You can add audio expressions to your talk show page in seconds (that's featuring their audio ad, featuring their name/title, and linking to their website - and it only takes a few seconds). Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Upload Audio Clip"!