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We give every host and podcaster that signs up for the premium plan the ability to network one commercial on BBS Radio Station 1 and Station 2 live station streams, playing 24/7. Commercials and music are heard between talk shows and during off hours of each day. Audio expression will generally get played 1 or 3 times per day, per station!

Mention the sponsor or advertiser, and their message, while live on air broadcasting, or play a customized audio expression during your show breaks, so it's embedded within a show. Unlike for regular radio advertisement heard on AM or FM radio, this show could possible play forever via Internet radio, getting an ever increasing number of listeners, for decades, for as long as the information exits on a hard drive.

A graphic image is usually easy to create or easy to obtain. Your sponsor or advertiser probably has a logo, or some other image they want you to use, just ask them! If they do not, we can create one for you for for a nominal fee. An audio expression is also easy to create or obtain. It's just some words (ad copy) with music in the background. If your sponsor or advertiser doesn't have one, make them one! Offer it out as a part of your 'package' deal! If you use BBS Radio's services, then we make it super simple!