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You can add small banner graphics to the bottom left column of your show page and large banner graphics to the center middle of your show page. All your graphic images can be associated with a hyperlink, so when someone presses an image, it automatically redirects them to a sponsor or advertiser website.

You can add small banner graphics with a maximum width of 200 px and a maximum height of 500 px, to the bottom left column of your show page. You can add large banner graphics with a maximum height and width of 760 px, to the center middle of your show page. All your graphic images can be associated with a hyperlink, so when someone presses an image, it automatically redirects them to a sponsor or advertiser website. Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Upload Small Banner" or "Upload Large Banner" Add graphic banner ads with hyperlinks! and Free creation of program banner! and Free creation of syndication banner! and Highly customized and customizable program and content pages! and Find, access, modify, delete, publish and unpublish everything! and Accurate and dynamic downloadable program stats! and HTML to plain text copy and paste with source code edit and display options! and Find, access, modify, delete, publish and unpublish everything! and Metatag control for search engine maximization! and Intuitive systems with an online manual and customer service! and No censorship!