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If you were to add the phrase, "This program was brought to you by SPONSOR NAME and SPONSOR LINK in the "Body" field in your Blogs and Articles, or in the "Upcoming Information" (Headline A Show) content types, that phrase would get maximum coverage.

If you were to add the phrase, "This program was brought to you by SPONSOR NAME and SPONSOR LINK in the "Body" field in your Blogs and Articles, or in the "Upcoming Information" (Headline A Show) content types, that phrase would get maximum coverage, because those content types are syndicated to BBS Radio's home page, both Station 1 and Station 2 schedule pages, on the main schedule page, in the Newsroom, on your show profile page, on BBS Radio's LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter social sites, as well, yours (just make sure you've linked your social sites - it only takes seconds), and all the posts are sent out automatically to everyone subscribing to an RSS Feed, including your Article Feed and Blog Feed (subscribe buttons are located on your show page, just above your show description tags), and BBS Radio feeds for blogs, articles and headlined show posts (subscribe buttons are located in the Newsroom, at the bottom of each column) Complete Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn integration! and Graphic headlining of new content in the Newsroom! and Headline A Show with complete social site integration! and Write blogs and articles with full syndication features! and Subscribable RSS Feeds created for all content types! and Prominent display of donation buttons and payment links! and Highly customized and customizable program and content pages! and Accurate and dynamic downloadable program stats! and Extreme control of your content! and HTML to plain text copy and paste with source code edit and display options! and Find, access, modify, delete, publish and unpublish everything! and Metatag control for search engine maximization! and Promote all your events! and Intuitive systems with an online manual and customer service! and No censorship!