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Upload sponsor and advertiser videos to your episode information pages

You can easily upload a video file to your episode information pages (also known as archive pages; podcast pages). Currently we allow for mp4, ogv, flv, and webm video file formats to be uploaded into the system, but we can easily allow for others.

You can easily upload a video file to your episode information pages (also known as archive pages; podcast pages). Currently we allow for mp4, ogv, flv, and webm video file formats to be uploaded into the system, but we can easily allow for others. Just ask! Press the link in the USER MENU entitled, "Add Episode Information" and upload the file in the "Upload Video" file field. Add and embed videos! and Talk shows are archived and placed in syndication within 24 hours! and Highly customized and customizable program and content pages! and Find, access, modify, delete, publish and unpublish everything! and Accurate and dynamic downloadable program stats! and HTML to plain text copy and paste with source code edit and display options! and Find, access, modify, delete, publish and unpublish everything! and Metatag control for search engine maximization! and Intuitive systems with an online manual and customer service! and No censorship!