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Provide their names and other details in the fields entitled "Show Sponsors and Advertisers" and "Sponsor and Advertiser Links."

Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Add Episode Information" and provide their names and other details in the field entitled "Show Sponsors and Advertisers". If you want to highlight them even more, add their Website Name and URL in the field entitled "Sponsor and Advertiser Links." This becomes a permanent part of the information displayed to any visitor seeking to find your podcast and listen to the show. Each podcast is essentially featured on it's own node-page! Highly customized and customizable program and content pages! and Talk shows are archived and placed in syndication within 24 hours! and Graphic headlining of new content in the Newsroom! and Extreme control of your content! and Subscribable RSS Feeds created for all content types! and Intuitive systems with an online manual and customer service!