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The space located on the lower left hand column of BBS Radio's website main pages, is for host and podcaster advertisements. Banner must be 200 px wide or less and 300 px high or less. These banners are all hyperlinked to a destination URL (the advertiser or sponsor's website), so when someone presses on the image it takes them to your intended destination (a URL)! It's super cheap and only available to our hosts and podcasters. Call us for pricing and we may create the banner advertisement for free!

Upload sponsor and advertiser text files and other handouts to your show page, including .doc, .pdf, and .txt files. Sometimes your sponsor or advertiser has electronic information for download, like coupons, books, promotional leaflets, and other text based information that can be read or downloaded at leisure. This information will be located near the top middle of your program page.

Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Add or Upload Video", then check FULL HTML in the pull-down menu below the ABOUT VIDEO section, and then PRESS the SOURCE button on the top right of the editor! At that point, you can paste the embed code into the ABOUT VIDEO body area, the EMBED code is usually provided as an option on almost every YouTube Video. The code will usually show up after you've pressed the SHARE button under a YouTube Video. Simply paste this code (the embed code) into the ABOUT VIDEO section!

Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Add Episode Information" and provide their names and other details in the field entitled "Show Sponsors and Advertisers". If you want to highlight them even more, add their Website Name and URL in the field entitled "Sponsor and Advertiser Links." This becomes a permanent part of the information displayed to any visitor seeking to find your podcast and listen to the show. Each podcast is essentially featured on it's own node-page!