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What to do with bites, cuts, spines or stings? Any injury from a cut, bite or sting that causes unmanageability and immediate extreme stress should be brought to a doctor’s attention by calling 911. Many times minor cuts, bites or stings are not an emergency but they need attention and care. In my early years I was a life guard and took the first aid course offered by the Red Cross. Recently, I was at a friend’s house and saw that same green book from that same course years earlier and they let me borrow their book and study it.

Getting hepatitis a and b in high school certainly got my dad’s attention who started the local medical clinic in my home town. My dad taught me about the liver early in my life. In all respects, I owe my parents everything for taking care of me when I was sick in high school, but since they are long gone, the only way I can repay them is to help YOU. Since I am not a medical doctor I can’t prescribe, but I am a Naturopathic Doctor and I can certainly tell you my recovery story. If I tell you everything I did to recover then you can take what you need and heal too.

I myself think that Megan Good carries herself well when she stands next to her husband Devon Franklin who is also a actor as well as a preacher. So, people need to calm down. I believe sexy is a Gods given and Megan Carrie's it well. Ladies it's ok to be asexy preachers wife. Just remember people are watching and waiting to have something to say. Keep it sexy and classy. Preachers maintain your family and household. If you see something out of hand handle it!

To me old school food does taste the best, but their food is heavy on the heart. New school can be good as well. To me it's easier for today living and faster. It also help with health issues. There is box products ingredient laws that are inforced.

Here, 14 zingers from comedians and authors Michael Strecker (author of Young Comic's Guide to Telling Jokes) and Rob Elliott (author of 

Based upon my knowledge...endings occur at the end of every birthday year.  I was born in March so this is the ending and new beginning month. We all go through this every year.

Democrats’ Emotional Manipulation of Abuse Survivors is Anti-Therapeutic

Karen Kataline

10/2/2018 12:01:00 AM - Karen Kataline

Sexual abuse, among other things, is a violation of boundaries. Many victims of rape and incest struggle in therapy to first understand the definition of boundaries, and then to learn how to develop healthier ones internally and with others.

JULY 31, 2018

Donald Trump Is Dragging Us Kicking and Screaming Into Peace and Prosperity

Karen Kataline

​7/31/2018 9:35:00 AM - Karen Kataline

I try to monitor various programs in CNN and MSNBC- but it is frankly getting hard to do- for the fundamental technique in their efforts to push their own self-serving and dangerous agenda is so blatant- that it is really hard to deal with. 

Here is a clip of Wolf Blitzer interviewing Ron Paul: