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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 May 2021

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Join wisdom teachers Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa on 'Sri and Kira LIVE! The Voice of Passionate Action' airing every Sunday at 12:00pm PST / 3pm Eastern. Their mission is to open the authentic path of self-ascension through the sacred union of the soul. Experience laughter, wisdom and what they call the practice of 'Passionate Action'. They offer spiritually deep, articulate, and intelligent views . . . opening a nourishing dialog with all and boldly answering the tough questions with wisdom, compassion and reassurance! Each week they give spiritual guidance and information on a specific topic at hand and open the phone lines to take your calls and offer mini-soul readings. The phone lines are always inundated with callers so…keep trying! Hang up and call again - Call 517-208-1500

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Sri is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Kira was born clairvoyant, and declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most prolific and accurate Oracle of modern history. Tune in for the fun, discover fascinating information and guests while enjoying visionary perspectives!

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Sri and Kira Live , August 4, 2019 with Sri and Kira
Sri and Kira Live , July 28, 2019 with Sri and Kira
Sri and Kira Live , July 21, 2019 with Sri and Kira
Sri and Kira Live , July 14, 2019 with Sri and Kira
Sri and Kira Live , July 7, 2019 LineageHolder Honesty Heals: Running Ignites!
Sri and Kira Live , June 30, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , June 23, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , June 16, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , June 9, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , June 2, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , May 26, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , May 19, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , May 12, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , May 5, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , April 28, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , April 21, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , April 7, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , March 24, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , March 17, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri and Kira Live , March 10, 2019 with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa​​
Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Talk Show Hosts, Authors, Columnists, Quantum Healers, Keynote Speakers, Psychotherapists, Medical Intuitives, Oracles, Wisdom Teachers, Self Ascension Facilitators, Archangelic Realm Messengers, Mystics, Visionaries, Enlightend Living Masters

Sri & Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer fresh perspectives that capture the essence of NOW! Experience laughter, wisdom and experience Passionate Action that is “refreshingly articulate, intelligent and downright funny”. A well known spiritual power couple, they consistently pour forth healing love & laughter in a way that touches the authenticity of your being, ignites your soul, and touches your heart.

Publicly active since 2003, Sri & Kira arrived at the forefront of the higher consciousness movement due to the wisdom, clarity and accuracy of the information they share with the world. With five best-selling books, a top rated radio show and popular YouTube channel, combined with consistent delivery of timely teachings, the couple presents extraordinary insights about our human origins, divine destination and the global healing value of Passionate Action as an alternative for aggressive activism.

Known and acclaimed for their visionary accuracy, integrity, and pure stream of Divine Connection, they are also monthly columnists for Sedona Journal Magazine. Featured in many publications, including numerous feature covers, it was Newsweek that stated: “Sri and Kira are offering reassurance and uplifting the consciousness of the world.”

Sri & Kira have brought forth what many have referred to as the GOLD STANDARD of affordable home-study materials for Self-Ascension Consciousness studies. They currently reside in Ecuador having made the choice to demonstrate the value of world citizenry. Their profound work is uniquely different and life altering.

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Angelic Oracle Kira Raa has been clairvoyant since childhood, and was declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most profound Oracle of our time due to the consistency and incredible accuracy of the messages she delivers. She is also a Master Avesa Quantum Healer and Vedic scholar. Her connection with the divine essence of Shiva in combination with her rare ability to “speak with the angels” has birthed extraordinary healing for 1000’s worldwide.

Long time confidants of the Mayan Elders who remain hidden from mainstream attention, Sri and Kira honor indigenous traditions and the mystical core of religious teachings.  Their Self-Ascension teachings bring an ascended perspective to time-honored wisdom.

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We love all your shows and are looking forward to hearing this guest ("Corey" on The Truth About Medical Marijuana). Your guests are always so interesting. We wrote in once, but we are kinda shy so have not called in. But we are out here in the California desert, listening to you for years (and saying “That’s for me!!”) Love and Light, Joe & Linda


Regarding: Is Mind Control the New Reality?

Interesting show today...... and I do have some comments:

One of the first is the following series of BBC programs about  the 20th Century and How Sigmond Freud's nephew helped shape them.....they are well worth spending the 4 hours needed  to watch them; titled "The Century of Self"

And as for comments made during today's show that artifical intelligence should be integrated into the human brain/body......may I recommend that you watch some current TV Shows above the etical issues these AI Technologoes present....  such as Marvel's Agents of Shield.....a now cancelled series on CBS title "Intelligence' etc..... media is presenting these issues to the world in an interesting way.

Also AI is already invading our bodies and minds through GMO tecnologies....I read recently when we eat these products we are 'making' glyposhate in our own bodies; just as insects do.....

AI is already presenting an opportunity for 'control' to  out into the nanotechologies ALREADY present in cosmetics, soaps, deoderants etc.....ready to be 'programmed' and put into water systems etc....I have read some psychologists want to do this already....

And you mention that the 4th dimension has collapsed......I would beg to differ on that....the 4th dimension is the "Baptism" dimension......the Bible in James Chapter 4...... mentions that "God wants to hear Yes Yes; not No No"......   and some interupt this to careful of the vows made and to whom.....I mention this as I have witnessed many who rush into atonements.... baptisms if you will with entities and 'movements' of a different kind; without understanding or even attempting to understand....and enter into a mind control agreement of a different sort......

One of the most astounding learnings of my life happened about ten years ago..... when studying the brain....and learned that we are NOT hardwired as I had learned years ago before the electron microscope discovered that our nerves have receptors and transmitters and are NOT connected.....which meant that we are a wide open vessel for those vibrations you describe...........this explains why new age affirmations, hypnosis, etc etc etc  and including witchcraft work...............we are a very suggestable species.....However; there is a missing ingredient in all of the new age stuff and most psychriatry these days and that is the 'normal' and 'necessary' role of 'pain' that is necessary to achieve true 'change'.

I think that is enough for today....

And thank you for your 'work'.

Bill Pratt


ON: Is Mind Control the New Reality?

Interesting show today...... and I do have some comments:

One of the first is the following series of BBC programs about  the 20th Century and How Sigmond Freud's nephew helped shape them.....they are well worth spending the 4 hours needed  to watch them; titled "The Century of Self"

And as for comments made during today's show that artifical intelligence should be integrated into the human brain/body......may I recommend that you watch some current TV Shows above the etical issues these AI Technologoes present....  such as Marvel's Agents of Shield.....a now cancelled series on CBS title "Intelligence' etc..... media is presenting these issues to the world in an interesting way.

Also AI is already invading our bodies and minds through GMO tecnologies....I read recently when we eat these products we are 'making' glyposhate in our own bodies; just as insects do.....

AI is already presenting an opportunity for 'control' to  out into the nanotechologies ALREADY present in cosmetics, soaps, deoderants etc.....ready to be 'programmed' and put into water systems etc....I have read some psychologists want to do this already....

And you mention that the 4th dimension has collapsed......I would beg to differ on that....the 4th dimension is the "Baptism" dimension......the Bible in James Chapter 4...... mentions that "God wants to hear Yes Yes; not No No"......   and some interupt this to careful of the vows made and to whom.....I mention this as I have witnessed many who rush into atonements.... baptisms if you will with entities and 'movements' of a different kind; without understanding or even attempting to understand....and enter into a mind control agreement of a different sort......


One of the most astounding learnings of my life happened about ten years ago..... when studying the brain....and learned that we are NOT hardwired as I had learned years ago before the electron microscope discovered that our nerves have receptors and transmitters and are NOT connected.....which meant that we are a wide open vessel for those vibrations you describe...........this explains why new age affirmations, hypnosis, etc etc etc  and including witchcraft work...............we are a very suggestable species.....However; there is a missing ingredient in all of the new age stuff and most psychriatry these days and that is the 'normal' and 'necessary' role of 'pain' that is necessary to achieve true 'change'.

I think that is enough for today....

And thank you for your 'work'.

Bill Pratt


Hello Sri and Kira,

First of all I would like to say how blessed I am to stumble across your website. Your wisdom,  approach and humor, totally resonate with my belief system. Thank you.

Tuned in to the Climate Change Radio talk show, and what really stood out for me was Sri's statement "And compassion is actually the root of Come-passion".  Wow. this was a real eye-opener.

About Medical Marijuana - wandering if some light can be shed on the balanced use of marijuana to prevent abnormalities in certain key brain structures arising from casual (or frequent medical) marijuana use. 

An Angelic Soul reading will be much appreciated.

Namaste and lots of love,



Dear Sri and Kira

Hello! i'm Céline, You have spoken to me via sunday's  radio show.  Saddly,  the internet was off here since i wrote you!  got it back this morning and just finished  listening to Sunday's radio bb1. It is tuesday the 22 of april, and  7:48 am.
Thank you for reading my letter and sharring it. You are for real!!!  i have doubted you for so long!  Sorry.

I do hope to meet you one day,  i can just feel  those hugs right now.   For the record!:  i do not live in France,  i live in  the province of québec Canada.  60 miles north of Montreal, in the  country.

So, If you ever come to montreal, i will  see you! Altyhough I would prefer to go to guatemala!!!

How much would it cost for a week with you?   I am serious.  I will find some money somehow.

For now i do  have a question:   why  can i not  stop smoking thes awfull cigarettes?
Yes, much love,  Sorry to inconvenience you in any way. ( with all my questions!)

Thank you for all the free  videos and talks, and thank you  for all the work you do in our  universe.
Take care
Au revoir et à la prochaine!
Je vous aime
Céline A.


Dear Sri & Kira

Thank you for the work that you do and the willingness to share yourselves. Like many people I have been going through some major transformations for what seems like  decades.

My husband and I have a healing center in Massachusetts. I am a chiropractor, astrologer, numerologist & teacher and Michael is an energy healer and artist. We opened our door 5 years ago and since then we have had one challenge after the other, physical, financial, emotional, relational.

To say we have been through the ringer is an understatement. Yet I believed in this project, powering through one obstacle after the other. I am also the sole caretaker for my adoptive mother, she's 93 and a quadruple Leo. Yet I have hit the  proverbial wall.

Frankly I"m exhausted. I'm aware that we are moving through the eye of the needle right now. Astrologically my Sun at 12 degrees of Cancer is in the cross hairs of this Cardinal t-square/Grand Square so I understand I'm going through a profound transformation.

We are on the verge of loosing what we have built here, and if that is what the universe requires then I will surrender to it. I have so little perspective on this situation. And herein lies the question.

What do you see for me, for the healing center (called The Seeds of Transformation Healing Center) and for Michael (who has brought through a new healing frequency he calls ~Receivings~.

Any insight would be gratefully appreciated. Over the years you have been a bright light on my path and trusted spiritual guidance for me.

Thank you with all my heart

Vicki Scerbo, D.C.


Dear Sri and Kira,

I would just first of all, love to say how much I love your radio shows - I tune in every week and grow so much from your wisdom and insights and am truly uplifted by your beautiful energy - you guys are an inspiration in my life.

I would also like to take a moment to say thankyou so much for your incredibly powerful courses... I have recently undertaken the Ascended Numerology course and the Avesa Energy Balancing course and both have deeply and truly healed my being on so many levels and transformed my life beyond what I thought could be. I am about to embark upon the Quantum Clairvoyance course too, which I am excited about. I really enjoy providing these profound gifts to others and I look forward to expanding these as my service to the world.   I have done many other healing modalities, but nothing is quite amazingly powerful, deep and true as the healing energy that comes from your practices and courses.

I am doing all of your home-study courses as I can, practicing them them in the capacity I am able to and expanding my being, abilities and service. I would love to come do your Master courses with you one day - I do hope you will be doing more of these beyond 2014? :) 

Now for my question:) I know it is part of my path to open a healing centre to hold teachings and healings, and just be a space of healing and anchoring of the light and divine energy.  I am expecting twins in June and also know that this beautiful part of my path will be taking alot of my time for quite a while.
I would just like some guidance as to when will be the best time for this healing centre to come into fruition and how would be the best way for me to create and manifest the resources required for it?  Thanking you dearly.

In love, light and gratitude - Suzie xxx


Dear Sri and Kira,

I was lying on my bed in a state of stunned amazement as you read out my
e mail last week and gave me a beautiful mini soul reading...thank you
thank you thank you !

It has triggered a massive " wobble" on all levels, and was obviously
incredibly powerful for me. I have been stuck in the 4th dimensional
astral plug for 26 years now, and am truly hoping my breakthrough is not
too far away, because I truly wish to serve in the world, and at present
am confined to my bedroom!

Do you see me breaking through soon?!!

Much love, and crystalline blessings!

Joy Crystal xx

Sent from my iPad


Dear Sri and Kira!

Is it just me? Stress from my job? Or is everyone really busy in the dreamtime?? I wake up feeling like I had a very hectic evening and not feeling very rested for the day. I don't remember anything all. Does it have anything to do with time speeding up? Or is it just the Firey April energies?

Just a comment on something you mentioned recently about listening to music that makes you feel good.

I work in a kitchen and there's about 6-8 other co-workers that share the Pandora radio station. Most of the day I tolerate other people's music because we are supposed to take turns or else the radio gets unplugged. I even discovered music I enjoy that I never knew about!

This one young fellow enjoys listening to death metal.   Everyone is supposed to get a chance with the radio as long as it's not too noisy. His music is very slow, and melancholy. I can't just remove myself from the situation. It starts to feel very draining and I count down the minutes to leave the place or else change the station, which happens often.

So I recently discovered this song. You may have already heard it. On your radio show I often hear you tell people to dance!! This is a really fun song. It's called "happy". It makes ME want to dance!!!

Also, there are times when I do a spiritual practice, like the breath of light, I question if I'm doing it correctly! I question my manifesting abilities. So, I felt this need to research Archangels that support and guide us through career change/life purpose/ etc. This was after the radio show on Sunday. I had  moments of tears during the show!  I felt like I was Divinely guided to ask the Archangels for help. I haven't been able to manifest or discover what it is I want to do/ I want to be of service in this lifetime. I am so ready for change! I love that quote Sri made when talking about another person having an amazing life....instead of being jealous or envious, simply state "I want that!" I said that a few times today. hahah I AM READY to live an amazing life! You say this is possible. I don't want to sabotage my chances of living the life of my dreams!

The two of you are so much fun to listen to and I appreciate that you are anchors for all of us! I know this letter sounds choppy and scattered. I wanted to say Hello and Thank you and just share what's going on in my life. Thank you for loving us!

Hugs and Kisses,

Lorraine in Maine!! :)


Love the new Sunday line up on BBS Radio and your show!  The two of you are very  charismatic and alive - and I love what you had to say about "lift or drift" and the "emotional compass" - looking forward to more insights and knowledge - thank you for giving.

Susan, Chicago

----- Contact Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa -----

TOLL FREE: 877-344-TOSA (877-344-8672)






The Mystical Couple of Our Time:

Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa

& Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

Sri Ram Kaa and Kira RaaOur greatest blessing is to offer the gift of Universal Spirituality know as "Self-Ascension". Simply stated, it is the recognition that all Beings have the full nature of the sacred inside themselves and the ability to live a life of abundance through this gift. We recognize that dogmatic traditions are a supportive starting point that assist to bring the spiritual seeker to that glorious moment where the journey must transcend the dogma and become a Direct Mystical Experience. Self-Ascension is the recognition that you already have everything you need inside your heart to reconnect. We live a life of Bhakti* as Universal citizens while recognizing that each person is sovereign. We welcome you to re-discover the Magic within and to embrace your direct mystical experience. Welcome home to your divine self, beloved one!

*Bhakti: The gift of linking the soul to god as a personal experience of direct and conscious communion.

Our World Service Declaration:

"To open the Authentic Path of Self-Ascension through Sacred Union with the Soul."

Our Sacred Intention for Being:

"To Listen, Love and Hold the Space for Enlightenment."

Best selling authors, columnists, radio personalities, Master Avesa Quantum Healers, and sought-after keynote speakers, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa are internationally recognized for lovingly “walking the walk” of authenticity.

On the cutting edge of the Soul Evolution, they are considered the foremost authorities on 2012, Archangelic communications, Self-Ascension, and Atlantis. Sri and Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer a fresh perspective that is a rare treat in our chaotic and ever changing world.

"Two of the Best Examples of Open-Mindedness!" George Noory, Host of Coast to Coast AM

Eight years ago, Sri and Kira came together in Sacred Union and accepted their mission. They gave up a “normal” life to spread the message of the Archangelic Realm to the world. In the course of their journey they founded the TOSA Center for Enlightened Living, the Avesa Quantum Healing™ Institute, and TOSA Publishing in Tijeras, New Mexico, created a curriculum of Self-Ascension, and traveled the world speaking to thousands on the evolutionary perspective on 2012, Earth changes, the soul mission of each being, and assisting other in claiming and reconnecting with their mastership.

"It is our joy to be the bringers of such profound love and practices directly from the Archangelic Realm to the planet at this time, and to touch the lives of thousands of people to offer a new perspective on life." Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted psychotherapist, medical intuitive, and quantum healer. Angelic Oracle Kira Raa is widely accepted as the most profound Archangelic Oracle of our time. Together they are internationally recognized Mystical teachers known for their profound visionary accuracy (99%), integrity, and pure stream of Divine Connection.

For Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa, authenticity is not only about being present and awake 24/7, it is a way of living that encompasses the whole being. As such, they offer the world ideas, profound tools, and a transformational approach to life that is like nothing else offered before, and includes programs and teachings to support people on every level of their being such as Sacred Yoga for Everyone, Navigating the Inner Matrix, and the Soul Nourishment program and book.

The world, and humanity, is at a crucial choice point, as we soar toward 2012. Many ask "How can we possibly prepare for what we cannot even imagine?" Sri and Kira KNOW that we have the power to create a future that is evolved, awake, and full of joy. This is the Path of Self-Ascension.

"Sri and Kira are offering reassurance and uplifting the consciousness of the world." Newsweek

Sri and Kira are the authors of several best selling books including Sacred Union: The Journey Home, The Path of Self-Ascension, 2012: You Have a Choice!, 2012: Atlantean Revelations, Becoming a Mystic in a 9 to 5 World, and their newest book, 2013: Mayan Sunrise Already flying off the shelves, this book has been described as the next step in human evolution. They are also regular columnists for Awareness magagine UFO Magazine. Sri and Kira and have been published widely and appreared on TV and radio shows throughout the world.

"Sri and Kira are bringing forward important work for these times. I encourage everyone to read their books and pay attention!" Dannion Brinkley, Author Saved by the Light & Secrets of the Light

Sri and Kira host their own weekly radionshow, 2012 Higher Love, one of the longest running and most popular mind/body/spirit programs on the air today. New shows are available every week and the archives are rich with intriguing topics and guests. Click here to listen.

They are also frequent guests on radio and television shows including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Good Morning America, and have been featured in Newsweek and other major news outlets.

"Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa leave no stone unturned with their latest publication, 2012 Atlantean Revelations. They cover every aspect of modern human existence including romance, life lessons and preparation for the current global shift. Their unique voice expands his or her concept of reality. In the end, the reader is gifted with a different perspective of our earth, the universe and our place within it all." Visions Magazine

"Joy is not just for the few. Bliss and serenity are not just for the spiritually accomplished. They are your birthright!" Sri Ram Kaa