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Mathematician, Social Scientist, Political Scientist, Teacher, Lead Scholar, Remote Viewing Expert, Researcher, Director and Founder of The Farsight Institute, Consciousness Explorer, Keynote Speaker, Writer, Author, Singer, Actor, Videographer
Doctor, Psychotherapist, Chaplain, Counselor, Director of Mental Health, Professor, Researcher, Speaker, Author, EMDR, Grief Therapist, Hynotherapist
Independent Researcher, Parnormal Phenomena Investigator, Author
Physicist, Author, Laser Development Pioneer, Psychic Investigator, Inventor, Remote Viewing Expert, Consciousness Explorer, Scientist, Remote Viewing Facilitator
NFL Player, Athlete, Peak Perfomance Expert, Thought Leader, Personal Development Coach, Mental health Researcher, Consciousness Explorer
Author, Speaker, Computer Geologist, Computer Systems Designer, Technical Operations Manager, Media Specialist, Researcher
Acupuncturist Physician, Diplomate, Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Spiritual Healer, Holistic Healer, Speaker
Spiritual Emergency Authority, Spiritual Crisis Network Founder, Author, Speaker, Minfulness Facilitator, Spiritual Practitioner
Ordained Minister, Earth Keeper, Dance Healer, Spiritualist
Healer, Medicine Man, Musician, Tour Facilitator, Inca Lineage