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Transcendental Stress Management, Shaktipat, Meditation, Past Lives, Corporate Wellness
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and guest Heather Ash Amara,

Steve Richards returns to talk about Holographic Kinetics, the system of clearing the past, removing contracts, internal and external entities, changing the past permanently.  Towards the end, he talked about the timing of "The Harvest", a period of 10 years in which we have time to look within and make course corrections.  He will be teaching his methods in several major cities; check the show bio for this show for details, or go to his website, here:

Eric Raines returns with a view from another side; including parallel realities, time lines collapsing, the status of the "dark and light" paradigm, and inspiration for those who are awake and aware.  Fun show!  

Check out the Golden Frequncy Immersion Retreat he's doing at Mt. Shasta.  He will be doing 7 days of intensive energy work - some which has never before been taught!

Shelby Keizer shared some of her thoughts on New Age traps or using invocation... and how most of humanity does not connect with a higher collective consciousness, but rather an  engineered hive mind.

Spiritual Coach, Reader, Medicine Woman, Author
Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger with guest Don Jose Ruiz

Eric Raines shares a wealth of information on the true nature of the matrix of control, and how we're tricked into our consent.  Numerous parasites, entities and attachments easily enter our field.  Eric teaches people how to tune into their own energy, recognize blockages, and remove them.  He removes blockages, implants and parasites from our multi-dimensional field.  Below are links to his website with free articles, and his YouTube channel, where he shares techniques to do this vital healing work ourselves!

Holistic Healing, Implant and Parasite Removal, Meridian Clearing and Balancing, Soul Fragment Retrieval and teaching how to clear yourself