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Christopher Ostrowski
Your Pitch
Owner/Advisor · January 1, 2009, to present · Mohnton, Pennsylvania
I grew up in an area of Pennsylvania where there was a practice called “Pow Wow Medicine”. This is a type Root Medicine and Conjuring that is used by the Pennsylvania Dutch. It is a combination of Eastern European folk Christianity and superstition, ceremonial magic, Kabbalistic influence, Judeo-Christian folklore. And depending on what part of the Appalachian Trail you are from, shamanic practices, Native teachings and Hoodoo practices derived from the beliefs of Africans brought to the U.S. during the time of slavery. The word Pow Wow is early 17th century: from Narragansett powáw ‘magician’ (literally ‘he dreams’). The proper name is Speilwork or Braucherei. Adepts are called Braucher, Hexenmeisters, or just Hexens.

I practice Hexerei. Hexerei is a form Sorcery. This is not “Polite” Sorcery.” We are not talked about until needed.

I work with the Disincarnate as a Sineater and a Psychopomp. This is sometimes as the person in the process of passing over.

I study Norse/Teutonic Folklore and Folk Medicine. I can read and craft Runes. 

I have engaged in experiences in the Ordeal Path where I was the inflictor and the receiver

I was Certified a Reiki Master in July of 2007. I incorporate aspects of it into my Healing work. It is a big part of my Distance Healing.

I also enjoy the interaction with animals. I will perform Reiki for them.

I am an Ordained Minister. I perform all Liturgical Services asked of me. I am well versed in various Religions and practices. 

I offer Reiki treatment, Mojo Bags, House Blessing, Funeral Services, Consoling for the Dying and the Families of the Deceased, Spell Work, Divination and other options. 

Any questions or needs you may have, contact me through this page or IM me. You can also call and leave a message on my phone. 
Owner/Advisor · January 1, 2009, to present · Mohnton, Pennsylvania
I grew up in an area of Pennsylvania where there was a practice called “Pow Wow Medicine”. This is a type Root Medicine and Conjuring that is used by the Pennsylvania Dutch. It is a combination of Eastern European folk Christianity and superstition, ceremonial magic, Cabbalistic influence, Judeo-Christian folklore. And depending on what part of the Appalachian Trail you are from, shamanic practices, Native teachings and Hoodoo practices derived from the beliefs of Africans brought to the U.S. during the time of slavery. The word Pow Wow is early 17th century: from Narragansett powáw ‘magician’ (literally ‘he dreams’). The proper name is Speilwork or Braucherei. Adepts are called Braucher, Hexenmeisters, or just Hexens.
United States