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Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

​Author and medium Sara Wiseman 

Sangoma Traditional Healer, Priestess, and Medicine Woman

Barbara Hand Clow returns to discuss her 2nd work of fiction in the "Revelations" trilogy, Revelations of the Aquarian Age.  She talks about the writing process, having successfully transitioned from numerous metaphysical books, to works of finely crafted fiction.  This second of three books evokes the rich tapestries of ancient Italy, the power of conscious art, further development of multi-dimensional characters and riveting story.  She continues to weave her knowledge in mystical "revelations".

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

Every Day is A New Day with Kim O'Neill

Guest, Kerri Hummingbird

Barbara Hand Clow returns to talk about her latest trilogy:  the "Revelations" series.  We begin tonight with Revelations of the Ruby Crystal.  Barbara returns April 21st to talk about the release of the 2nd of the trilogy:  Revelations of the Aquarian Age.

Author, astrologer, cosmologist, ceremonial teacher, researcher

Inelia Benz returns for an update on her new books, life, and raising the vibration of the planet.

Ruffina Anklesaria has had a unique ability for over 20 years, which involves the opening of another person's 3rd eye.  Often, past lifetimes will be seen by the participant, shedding light.  There is also an "etheric" quality which comes from the golden white light that begins to flood the room, and transform it into a higher, Divine state of bliss, love and joy.  We talk about what Shaktipat is, and about some of the participant's unique experiences.