During this powerful session, Shusara spends some time explaining the Spiritual Protection she uses and its benefits for the seeker. The rest of the session is focused on addiction. Shusara explains the relationship between identification and resulting addiction to states of mind and shows how that dynamic is translated into the body through the brain. It is time to get real about what you are addicted to. A homework assignment was given concerning your attributes and how/if you experience them in the outside world. Further dialouge concerning non-attachment and right action followed.
School of Human Potential with with Allen Vaysberg and special guest GP Walsh
In the next hour our prominent physician and plastic surgeon will engage us and share about his practice. He will discuss his personal practice of doing pro-bono work to correct the cleft palettes of young children so they can feel whole, rather than tainted. He will discuss self-esteem and his multiple practices on both coasts. He will discuss how he coordinates the ability for patients to travel to him and be taken care of.
Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #20
Topic: Vervain
In tonight's session Shusara addresses the struggles that seekers are experiencing during these times and explains the significance of why this is happening now. The main topic of the session concerns looking at where you're making your choices from, as it determines your future experience. The message tonight may not feel good to the listener but is very necessary for those who seek enlightenment.
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guests, Arthur Karen and Karen Herrick