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Founder of the Clearing Institute, Spiritual Seeker, Kundalini Experiencer, Healer, Philosopher, Researcher, Energy Conduit, Reiki Tummo, Advanced Pranic Healer, Akashic Records Consultant, Quantum Entrainment, Reiki Usui

Today we will be discussing the multidimensional body system, what it is and how it works. Discover simple but effective techniques and tools for grounding, and protecting your energetic field. Also understanding what the seven basic templates to your multi-dimensional self are, and what is an energetic immune system. My guest today is an author and artist Rebecca Cherry.

This is the first in a bi-monthly series that will help those ready to clear at a higher level and embrace this transformative time we are living in. Join me and my special guest Kane who is the founder of the Clearing Institute as we discuss the processes of clearing the unseen forces as well as unresolved mental, emotional and etheric energies from our higher dimensional selves. Thus allowing higher levels of your own energy and consciousness to flow through you more freely, resulting in you more fully expressing your true authentic God self.

Psychotherapist, Gender Specialist, Clinician, Consultant, Spiritual Facilitator, Consciousness Explorer, Parnomral Phenomena Researcher, Writer
Author, Astral Projection Expert, OBE Expert, Out-of-Body Traveloer, OBE Facilitator, Hypnotherapist, Lecturer, Teacher, Media Producer
Neuropsychologist, Author, Teacher, Authority on Self Directed Neuroplasticity, Editor, Writer, Meditator, Rock Climber
Talk Show Host, Professional Men's Coach, Entrepreneur, Artist, Group Facilitator, Trainer, Writer, Performer, Music Producer
Doctor in Computer Engineering, Scientist, Nuclear Researcher, Author, Writer, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Marketing Director, Scholar, Philosopher, Meditator, Lecturer, Speaker
Teacher, Physician, Administrator, Director, Author, Advisor, Seminar Leader, Presenter
Alchemist, Taoist, Qi Gong Master, Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Teacher, Philospher, Healer, Writer, Author, Enlightenment Facilitator, Meditation Expert