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Guest Name
Brooke Eagle
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Guest Occupation
Earth Keeper, Wisdom Teacher, Healer, Visionary, Author, Singer/Songwriter, Ceremonial Leader, Millennium Award Winner
Guest Biography

Brooke Medicine Eagle is an Earth Keeper, wisdom teacher, healer, visionary, singer/songwriter, catalyst for wholeness, and ceremonial leader. She is the best selling author of "Buffalo Woman Comes Singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance". In January, 2000, in recognition of her remarkable contributions for bridging cultural gaps in our world, Medicine Eagle was one of only 30 people to receive the special Magical Blend Millennium Award along with the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jean Houston, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, and others. Brooke focuses part of her love and joy into the healing power of music, and she is also a sacred ecologist with a focus on living a harmonious and sustainable lifestyle dedicated to preserving our sacred waters and honoring Mother Earth.