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We'll be talking about cooking for the holidays.  Leo has been featured on my show for 12 years now and always he has new recipes to share to make the season not just easier to deal with but also happier because we won't have to spend so much time in the kitchen! 

Gourmet chef, food and public relations

'Better You Go Home' is about a son seeking his father's secrets, but in a larger sense it's about the progeny of exiles.  Geneology, history, family secrets and a love story .. all of this and much more awaits the readers exploration.

University instructor, award-winning author, journalist

This is the debut show of Teen-Train Talk Radio on the BBS Radio Network!

This interview is about how Sue Fries had to go through a phenomenal journey to save the life of her son and as a consequence, yours.  If you or anyone you know has asthma this is a must could save a life...perhaps your.

What would you do if you found that your child was allergic to just about everything? When the world around you is filled with toxins that could kill him?

Joshua's Lessons is about a mother's battle to save her son's life, empower the family with a new way of dealing with the challenges and a career in wellness she could never have imagined would change everything in her life.