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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 2 May 2021

Honor Your Pet with Leigh Meriweather

Honor Your Pet with Leigh Meriweather, banner
Talk Show:
L Leigh Meriweather

Honor Your Pet is a talk radio show covering all things which honor our pets and our relationship with them. These include innovative and holistic pet care topics as well as addressing the difficult, but honorable end-of-life times and healing grief from pet loss. The underlying focus is how we can best care for our pets and ourselves as pet parents.

Honor Your Pet recognizes that pets ARE our family and honors all they give.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Honor Your Pet , November 13, 2014 Guest, Magan Day
Honor Your Pet , October 16, 2014 Guest, Coleen Ellis of Two Hearts Pet Loss Center
Honor Your Pet , October 2, 2014 Guest, Heather Merrill of New England Pet Hospice
Honor Your Pet , August 21, 2014 Guest, Dr. Allison Faber, Dr. Dennis Grega and Michelle Szabo
Honor Your Pet , August 7, 2014 Guest, Jenna Yarosh
Honor Your Pet , July 24, 2014 Guest, Dr. Nancy Kay and Cindy Smith
Honor Your Pet , July 10, 2014 Guest, Janet Velenovsky
Honor Your Pet , June 12, 2014 Guest, Dr. Beth Hampton Jones
Honor Your Pet , May 29, 2014 Guest, Merrill Heather
Honor Your Pet , May 15, 2014 Guests, Lola Ball and Beth Marchitelli
Honor Your Pet , May 1, 2014 with L. Leigh Meriweather and guest Coleen Ellis
Honor Your Pet , April 17, 2014 with L. Leigh Meriweather and guest M.J. Tucci
Debut of Honor Your Pet , April 3, 2014 with L. Leigh Meriweather and Guest, Maia Kincaid

Featured Guests


Guest, Cindy Smith July 24, 2014
Guest, Maia Kincaid April 03, 2014
L. Leigh Meriweather
Other Websites:
Pet Honoring Teacher, Healer, Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, Cermonial Honorist, Reverend, Advanced Pranic Healer, Workshop Facilitator, Nature Artist, Photographer, Talk Show Host

Leigh engages in helping people with pet loss through the Pet Honoring Ceremonies, grief healing sessions and offering a variety of resources such as Pet Honoring memorial kits and guided cds. Her clients span nationally and internationally. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, a Ceremonial Honorist and a non-denominational ordained Reverend and is trained in traditional and ancient forms of Reiki, Usui and Sekhem/Seichim. She holds Pet Honoring Ceremonies for In addition, working with Spiritual Masters, she has developed a system which adds an additional element of divine energy, called Bridge of Light Reiki, which enhances the effects. She is also an Advanced Pranic Healer, which uses prana (life-force) to balance, cleanse, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes.

Energy Healing Sessions are offered for people and pets, as well as Intuitive Spiritual Coaching sessions and Grief Healing Session. She also offers a wide variety of ‘Spirit Medicine’ workshops and classes. She is available to give talks, presentations or hold Honoring Ceremonies, group Pet Honoring Ceremonies and workshops. To read more about the services for people visit: Pet Honoring, llc offers animal reiki, welcoming engery sessions and provides services and products to to help with pet loss, pet honoring memorial ceremonies, pet memorial kits, pet loss care packs, honoring wraps for health and transition and offers pet sympathy gifts. These help us transition grief from pet death. Ideal for individuals and families.

She is a nature artist and photographer ( and enjoys painting and bringing out the magical essence of nature in her art. She also volunteers with local Hospice and lives on the east coast with her animal companions: Mattie-Noo—a beautiful lab mix, guide and friend. Mattie’s Facebook page:

American Pet Associations – 5 star approval - Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement member - ACCAW – Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare member