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The Lightship offers The Purification Process and Divine DNA Activations for Ascension for those preparing for their Ascension. These sessions are for those who are preparing for their Ascension. The Lightship's Divine Light Beings offer assistance to us through their Body~Mind~Spirit Healing Sessions.

A Divine Being from the Creation Lightship incarnated to Earth 2000 years ago, known to us as Ascended Master Jesus. He came to humanity offering them the Lightships' Ascension teachings and healings.

Licensed psychotherapist, author and co-founder of reology
Messenger of the Ascended Masters, Author of "Advanced Studies of the Human Aura", Co-Founder of The Hearts Center, Co-Creator of Meru University
President and Founder of Fresh and Alive!, Certified Natural Health Educator, Inventor, Computer Operations Manager, Workshop Leader
Holistic Psychologist, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Therapist, Author of "Evolve", Developed a unique integrative Holistic Platform called Psychapressure
Earth Keeper, Wisdom Teacher, Healer, Visionary, Author, Singer/Songwriter, Ceremonial Leader, Millennium Award Winner
Holistic Healer, Registered Psychiatric Nurse, Gestalt-trained Counselor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Energy Practitioner