From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg
Are you ready for a disaster? Join Joe Alton, also known as “Dr. Bones the Disaster Doctor”, is a medical doctor and Amy Alton, also known as “Nurse Amy”, is an advanced registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife. They are medical preparedness experts and the authors of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, and Safety/First aid, “The Survival Medicine Handbook”, a guide for when medical help is not on the way.
Floyd Wickman, Co-Author of “Lessons From My Brother Zig”
Robbi Skye Campbell MD discusses her training as a medical doctor in the USA and what lead to her using many alternative methods including nutrition, supplements and healing practices outside of the mainstream medical practice.