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Neuro-Surgeon, Shaman, Author, Chief Ambassadors of the Mayans' Cultural Wisdom, Myan Expert, Heart Transplant Survivor
Archaeologist, Explorer, Crysal Skull Event Facilitator
Spiritual Consciousness Facilitator, Seer, Author, Inner Mysteries Teacher, Speaker, Consultant
Mayan Pope, Keeper of the Mayan Book of Creation, Maya Moral Authority
CEO, Free Energy Technologies Researcher, Exotic Energy Explorer, New Energy Congress Founder, Writer, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Afterlife Expert, Researcher, Professor, Theologian, Author, Writer, Scholar
Mayan Priest, Historian, Anthropologist, Researcher, Author, Maya Calendar Expert, Ceremonial Priest, Shaman, Spiritual Guide, Elder, Professor, Spiritual Leader
Medicine Woman, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Toltec Dreamworker, Minister, Shamanic Medicine Explorer, Sound Healer
Academic, Neurosurgeon, NDE Experiencer, Researcher, Scientist, Spiritual Explorer
Drum Keeper, Shamanic Healer, Seer, Performance Artist, Ritual Facilitator, Teacher, Media Producer, Mother Earth Steward