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Professor, Social Scientist, Psychologist, Parapsychologist, Paranormal Researcher, Near Death Researcher
Artist, Author, Painter, Meditator, Interactive Sculture, Lecturer, Teacher, Presenter, Writer, Columnist
MIT Department Head, Senior Lecturer, Professor, Doctor if Science History, Doctor of Theoretical Physics, Physicist, Scientist, Writer, Author, Fellow
Doctorate in Energy Information Sciences, Extraterrestrial Communications Researcher, Chiropractor, Music Producer, Recording Artist, Songwriter, Publisher, Writer, Screenwriter, Author, Lecturer, Ufologist
Mathematician, Social Scientist, Political Scientist, Teacher, Lead Scholar, Remote Viewing Expert, Researcher, Director and Founder of The Farsight Institute, Consciousness Explorer, Keynote Speaker, Writer, Author, Singer, Actor, Videographer
UFO Experiencer, Environmentalist, Peace Activist, Reporter, S.P.A.C.E. Founder, Journalist, Writer Columnist, Media Advisor, Speaker
Physicist, Author, Laser Development Pioneer, Psychic Investigator, Inventor, Remote Viewing Expert, Consciousness Explorer, Scientist, Remote Viewing Facilitator
Theoretical Physicist, Visionary, Quantum Theory Explorer, Writer, Speaker
Investigative Reporter, Editor, Chilean Diplomat, United Nations Official, Columnist, Journalist, Ufologist, Consultant, Producer, Speaker, Media Expert, International Coordinator, Lecturer, Science Researcher
Author, Speaker, Computer Geologist, Computer Systems Designer, Technical Operations Manager, Media Specialist, Researcher