Lets Find Out, June 17, 2013
LAURENCE TOPLIFFE: AUTHOR OF THE ABSOLUTELY IRREFUTABLE SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN: I bring specific knowledge that proves that humans cannot be the result of evolution through natural selection because of a very unique ability that all humans have. I explain something else about humans that I would say 95% of the world population is not aware of. I do this by asking the ones who ask questions of me, some questions about things they do know or think they know, and then lead them to realize something about themselves. I am not the only person who has this awareness, but I am the one who chose to write this book. I cannot tell where I got this knowledge from, or what it is, because that would also reveal too much. It’s explained in the book in detail. I have a specific way of answering questions. I use sound logic as part of my answers. When someone asks a question, I often answer it by asking the person who asked the question, something that will get them to think about what they think are facts and what they think are beliefs, and show them that some of what they believe simply can’t be true. I will show them this through this new procedure, what flaws they might have in their thinking that led to the question they asked. By doing this, I will lead people who asks questions to arrive at, to what to me, is an obvious conclusion.
I would add: They will benefit much more from reading the book than if I just gave them the proof that’s in the book. There are many links in the book that will give them more knowledge.
Lets Find Out

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Let’s Find Out brings to its listeners illuminating and enthralling exploration of the connection between our minds and our bodies. This show brings a series of fascinating interviews with experts in the field of metaphysics. Some shows will address your personal concerns, with some of the best intuitive advisors, energy healers, higher vibration music, experts on angels, dreams, and the out-of-body experience. The listener can call in to ask a question on the air. We move into the moment — bring in kindness, acceptance, and love. Let’s Find Out always finds out! Each show ends with a guided meditation.