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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 7 May 2021

Planetary Awareness Network with Ari Kopel

Planetary Awareness with Ari Kopel
Show Host:
Ari Kopel

What's going to happen to us as a planet, as a species in 10, 20, 50 years? Will there be breakthroughs in health, or will we face indestructible viruses? Will the face of the planet change through devastating wars? Will we be living in Scorching temperatures or Frozen Desolate Land? What kind of world will our children and their children’s children inherit?

It's time to take action Now!

Let's get Focused and Tuned-in to "PLANETARY AWARENESS NETWORK" every Saturday at 11:00 AM Pacific Time, where your host, Isis Kopel, will interview extraordinary people that are making a difference on this planet. These are people who have come up with solutions to current and prevalent problems that are challenging us as a planet and as a species.

Learn how you can get involved and help reclaim our planet. Find out how to partner-up with these projects and support these innovations. Call our open lines and tell us about your personal endeavors, projects and solutions. Or, make us aware about people you know that are making a difference in changing this world and humanity.

This is a show about Humanity taking positive and immediate action in helping transform this world. It begins with you and me! It begins Right Now!

PLANETARY AWARENESS NETWORK - Down-to-Earth Talks on Planetary Awareness & Solutions for Planet Earth. Start making a difference - TUNE IN! Saturdays at 11:00 AM Pacific Time.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Planetary Awareness Network, May 8, 2023 Guest, Yvonne Lewis, Certified Brainspotting Therapist for the treatment of trauma
Planetary Awareness Network, January 2, 2023 Maitreya's Healing of AIDS Shows How We Heal COVID, Corruption, and Injustice
Planetary_Awareness_Network, July 28, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Planetary_Awareness_Network, July 21, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Planetary_Awareness_Network, July 14, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Planetary_Awareness_Network, July 7, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Planetary_Awareness_Network, June 30, 2007 Courtesy of BBS Radio
Ari Kopel
Psychologist, Ultraterrestrial Contactee, Talk Show Host
Ari Kopel  is a graduate from The University of Miami in Psychology and Communications. While at the University of Miami, she worked with Dr. Cesare Emiliani, running the Harold Urey laboratory on Pole Shifts and Ice Ages. Later she worked as the assistant to Dr. Robert Jastrow who was Chairman of the Board for NASA at Goddard Institute for Space Studies. 
Ari is an Ultraterrestrial contactee from the age of 17, and she works closely with these Beings of Light to help humanity make the shift in consciousness and raise their vibration. 
She has had over 35 years experience in sales and management working for companies like Bell South, AT&T and Ameriquest Mortgage, and also as Director of Sales and as VP of Sales for several companies in the Book Publishing industry.  
Ari is also the creator of a website called:, that was designed to create awareness about the time frame of 2012 and beyond, where membership is growing daily, as articles and videos are posted that discuss the events on the planet that help Shatter the Matrix and help the members become inoculated against FEAR.
Ari is also the Show Host and creator of a radio show called Shattering the Matrix on, where the aim of the show is to bring forth information about the truth with respect to the deceptions and disinformation given by dark forces. The show sheds much needed Light on the tactics and doings of the evil presence on this planet. Ari's aim is not to wake up the "sleeping masses", but to wake up the "sleeping Light Forces" that agreed to come to humanity's aide, and that have been deceived as well through infiltrated spiritual teachings and false spiritual leaders. Her aim is to help us break free of the hypnosis that has kept most of us from being fully engaged in finding solutions and proactively participating in positive creation.