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cosmic mythologist, global alchemist, clairvoyant healer, Earth advocate, artist

We'll be discussing how Deborah became acquainted with some very special people, experiences and much more.  These experiences have changed her life in some powerful ways.

Author, Musician, Composer, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author, Visual Artist

A short time after her death, a mother communicates with her daughter who channels the information given to her.  Could this happen to you?  What did her mother want the daughter to know?  We'll find out.

In the episode, listeners are the guests! Listeners call in and email about all kinds of spiritual and metaphysical topics including dreams, past lives, our loved ones on the other side and Reiki healing. Francine also talks about meditation barriers and her work as a medium and workshop facilitator.

The Debut Show of Angels Are Near Us on the BBS Radio Network!

Michael Eastwood lives on the Isle of Wright, in the United Kingdom.  He is considered one of the top experts in using crystals for healing and with his cards we'll find out more about his fascinating background and how crystals heal.

Messenger of the Ascended Masters, Author of "Advanced Studies of the Human Aura", Co-Founder of The Hearts Center, Co-Creator of Meru University