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Author, Mystic, Spiritual Mentor, Esoteric Spirituality

My good friend Inelia Benz returns to talk about the chakra system, how to master it, what the present energies reveal and most important:  a new topic - "mappiing".  "Mapping is used consciously and unconsciously by all humans.  Some are rather expert.  And, it can be a weapon used to distract and sometimes destroy, high vibrational beings."  DNA activations, Ultra-dimensionals and more!  

Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic

Michael shared his stunning life experiences as a Avatar Energy Master

*** SPECIAL NEW YEAR SHOW for 2020!!! *** Energy Healer, Quantum Sphere Healing Practitioner

Medium Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton joins Francine in a delightful discussion about Angels, guides and master teachers. Lynn shares her personal experiences with them and how they have profoundly effected her life.

Delve into a world of a professional psychic and learn from her experiences.  We will discuss communication with the other side, developing your intuition and the power of prayer.  Stay tuned to learn how everyone can use their own gifts for even little things such as finding where you put your keys.