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How can you meet business, social, and environmental needs and gain competitive advantage in this current world environment? How can we create a game plan for success?  What steps do we take? Can we make a difference with all of the confusion and conflicts currently in place?  We'll find out. Tune in and hear what Eric has to say.

Premier strategy and sustainability advisor to CEOs worldwide.

Mary Markovich is a specialist on dealing with veterans benefits. Today thousands of vets are waiting to be assisted but the quadmire of backlog and not knowing exactly what to do creates a lot of stress and difficulty in processing benefits.  Mary will be sharing her expertise with us.  Tell your friends and family who might be interested to tune into the show.  This information is vital.

Member of the National Academy of ELder Law Attorneys, Author, Speaker, Attorney
Retired executive and former professor
Advocate for American Hostages, Teacher in the L.A. Unified School District, Active Protestor
Nuclear Energy and Engineering Expert, Holds a Nuclear Safety Patent, Licensed Reactor Operator, Former Nuclear Industry Senior Vice President
Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist, Adjunct Professor of the University of the Pacific
High Profile Celebrity Attorney, Civil Advocate, Judge Pro Tempore and Neutral Case Evaluator for the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia and a Commissioner in Chancery for that Court, Author of "What Were You Thinking???"
WND’s Senior Staff Reporter, Senior Managing Director at Gilford Securities, #1 New York Times Bestseller author of the BLOCKBUSTERS: THE OBAMA NATION & UNFIT FOR COMMAND