Cosmic Spaceship with Andy Lopez, aka: The Captain
Cosmic Spaceship with Andy Lopez, aka: The Captain
Threshold To Ascension Radio with Ashli and guest Mary Rodwell - Part 2a
Threshold To Ascension Radio with Ashli and guest Mary Rodwell
Signs of Life with Robert Ginsberg and Phran Ginsberg and guest John Alan Shope
Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier
Topic: Interference
What's in the way of you realizing your plans or goals?
Ataana Healing Method, distortion, relationship, repetitive pattern, energy work, energy healing, Sacred Inner Dialogue, stress, DNA blueprint
Timothy J Glenn returns with another fascinating update on the "cosmic scene". Using astrology, he goes over the massive changes that are taking place now, which will reach a climax in 2020 and 2022. If you want to know what the energies will be doing, as old paradigms crumble, this is a great show to hear!
Signs of Life with Robert Ginsberg and Phran Ginsberg and guest Nelson Abreu
Judy Carroll shares her lifelong experiences with the Grey ETs, going on since early childhood. In 2011, Judy attended a meeting on an ET ship that involved a discussion on the past and present situation on Earth, including the hijacking of the planet millennia ago.
Kenneth Swartz, the scientist and inventor who accidentally stumbled across Carbon60, talks about the process and how C60 has been shown to improve energy, heal long-term conditions, reverse aging, and more!