Zeta Global Radio ZGR, September 9, 2017

Zeta Global Radio
Topic: Victoria Reynolds, Coach, Author and Speaker is with us sharing her story of growing up in a polygamous cult and its affect on her life today, personally and professionally.
Guest, Victoria Reynolds

Someone asked me the age old question not long ago, “If you were stranded on a desert island with only one thing, what would that thing be?" My answer was "a notebook with pen attached." My pen is my magic wand and I practically panic when I don’t have something to record my thoughts with.
Several years ago the writing faucet turned on and I haven’t been able to turn it off. My thoughts are a continual stream of insights that inspire even me. And because I am so inspired by the message that moves through me I wouldn’t want to turn off this wondrous gift.
My first book “Transcending Fear: The Journey to Freedom and Fulfillment” is now available everywhere books are sold. My series of illustrated children’s books are in the works, and before you know it, a few other non-fiction books in the publication process will be making their way into the world.
Along with my books I write my "Practical Magic" Blog. A blog that I recently started up to go along with my magical new brand and I write The Polygamist Daughter's Blog where I share stories with my readers about growing up on “The Ranch”. I also maintain a monthly newsletter where I share my insights, stories and other yummy things that come across my path.
Zeta Global Radio ZGR

Zeta Global Radio with Lainie Sevante Wulkan, Your Visionary Platform for Spiritual Journalism