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Words Women and Wisdom Show, June 18, 2024

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Words Women and Wisdom Show
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Guest, Suzy Prudden, New York Times bestselling author, fitness expert, hypnotherapist, success & accountability coach

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver

Guest, Suzy Prudden, New York Times bestselling author, fitness expert, hypnotherapist, and success and accountability coach

Guest, Suzy Prudden

Guest Name
Suzy Prudden
Suzy Prudden
Guest Occupation
International Speaker, bestselling author, Founder, serial Entrepreneur
Guest Biography


Entrepreneur legend Suzy Prudden brings a wealth of experience as an award winning, internationally acclaimed speaker Oprah Guest and serial entrepreneur. She's high energy. She's entertaining. She has power and humor in anything that she shares and that's why she's been featured in so many of these magazines: New York Times, the Chicago Tribune Post, U.S.A. Newsweek, and more, as well as being seen on Oprah.

She's a workshop and a seminar leader, as well as a New York Times best selling author (way before the Internet and speed of self-publishing - it's so much easier today).

As a fitness expert, a body, mind, pioneer and hypnotherapist, as well as a success and empowerment coach, TV host from NBC and Nickelodeon, Suzy is the creator of the Inner Mind Certification Program.

More recently she founded the Itty Bitty Book Publishing Company and she's also a host on WBAI (FM) Radio in New York.

Susie brings us a perspective generated from 50-plus as a serial entrepreneur, 9 businesses, 11 books, 18 in-person media tours, and specializing right now in publishing small books, small books that make a big difference which he's labeled Itty Bitty books (around 30 pages long just to give the reader what they are looking for).


More about Suzy and her publishing house here:

Words Women and Wisdom Show

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne Silver
Show Host
Yvonne E. L. Silver, CEC, CPHR, RP

Born an enterprising, forward-thinking and original "Avant-Garde" female, I believe in living a mission-inspired and purposeful life!

I am passionate about inspiring women to live into their potential and elevate their confidence, especially visionary female leaders who are looking to scale up their business venture. My work is primarily with Founders, Leaders and professionals (6-figure+), and mission-inspired businesses or social enterprise groups, those who empower other women are especially exciting to work with. After serving on Boards, and as a corporate VP and Director, with 8 start-up experiences - evolution and constant expansion are keys to life being interesting and purposeful.

My expertise is with:

  • Women's Growth
  • Confident Conversations
  • Mentorship
  • Knowledge sharing through speaking, writing, radio, coaching, mentorship and women's resource groups.

Teaching women to Flourish in business is a passion. I am a Speaker, Author, Coach, and Mentorship Chair, with my book “Words, Women and Wisdom: The Modern Art of Confident Conversations” coming soon (anticipated release - summer 2018), and host for the Words, Women and Wisdom Show (BBS Radio) to elevate confident living. When women elevate their confidence, are heard and valued, they make more impact, have more fun and greater success in business! Professionally I am a Certified Executive Coach, Chartered HR Professional and Reiki Practitioner, Certified in Emotional Intelligence - on the team for the Coaches Business School.

I believe...

Are you ready to elevate your confidence - you're in the right place...


BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -o-
1:00 pm CT
1:55 pm CT
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