Words Women and Wisdom Show, April 28, 2020
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Yvonne Heath
Guest, Yvonne Heath

Inspirational Speaker, TEDx Talker, Author and Founder of the "Love Your Life To Death Movement"
Yvonne Heath is married to her best friend Geordie, has three amazing children and is loving life in beautiful Muskoka, Canada.
She has been a registered nurse since 1988, working in ten different hospitals in the US and Canada in many areas including emergency, intensive care, chemotherapy and hospice.
Yvonne became disheartened by our society’s reluctance to talk about, plan and prepare for grief and how it causes excessive suffering in life and at the end of life. She suffered too, not knowing how to do it differently.
So, in 2015, she took a leap of faith, left her nursing career and blazed a new trail. She shares her message with heart and humour as an Inspirational Speaker, with her book "Love Your Life to Death", online program, as a television and radio host and through social media.
Her TEDx Talk—Transforming Grief, by Just Showing Up—was launched in May 2019. She is sharing her message globally and helping great organizations along the way.
Yvonne leads the I Just Showed Up movement.
Have you ever said these things or felt this way, when someone was in crisis? Divorce, diagnosis, mental health issues, job loss, trauma, the death of a loved one—it’s all grief! Are you fearful you might do or say the wrong thing, so you avoid? Listen to her interview...
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Words Women and Wisdom Show

Born an enterprising, forward-thinking and original "Avant-Garde" female, I believe in living a mission-inspired and purposeful life!
I am passionate about inspiring women to live into their potential and elevate their confidence, especially visionary female leaders who are looking to scale up their business venture. My work is primarily with Founders, Leaders and professionals (6-figure+), and mission-inspired businesses or social enterprise groups, those who empower other women are especially exciting to work with. After serving on Boards, and as a corporate VP and Director, with 8 start-up experiences - evolution and constant expansion are keys to life being interesting and purposeful.
My expertise is with:
- Women's Growth
- Confident Conversations
- Mentorship
- Knowledge sharing through speaking, writing, radio, coaching, mentorship and women's resource groups.
Teaching women to Flourish in business is a passion. I am a Speaker, Author, Coach, and Mentorship Chair, with my book “Words, Women and Wisdom: The Modern Art of Confident Conversations” coming soon (anticipated release - summer 2018), and host for the Words, Women and Wisdom Show (BBS Radio) to elevate confident living. When women elevate their confidence, are heard and valued, they make more impact, have more fun and greater success in business! Professionally I am a Certified Executive Coach, Chartered HR Professional and Reiki Practitioner, Certified in Emotional Intelligence - on the team for the Coaches Business School.
I believe...
Are you ready to elevate your confidence - you're in the right place...