KickAss Relationship Show, November 22, 2017

Feel like your relationship is crazy complicated? Imagine what it'd be like if you had the decoding tool to have an easier relationship filled with hope and happiness!
Show guest, Robert Clancy, shares 3 tools to discover a simpler, happier, and more fulfilling relationship/marriage and life!
Guest, Robert Clancy

Robert Clancy is a gifted technology entrepreneur, #1 international bestselling author, spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker and minister from New York. At age nineteen, Robert had a divine spiritual experience that greatly altered his life. In 2012 he started “Robert Clancy – Guide to the Soul” Facebook fan page (facebook: GuideToTheSoul) where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over 600,000 people worldwide.
Robert is also a regular contributor and weekly guest on Los Angeles KABC Radio's syndicated Late Night Health Radio Show. Through his passion for exceptional design & innovative technology, he co-founded Spiral Design Studio over 28 years ago to lead an award winning creative team in the evolution of major corporate brands, marketing & web development.
Robert’s first published work is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul, an evocative collection of inspirational stories and transcendental journeys that will transform the way you think about community service while bringing deeper meaning to your career path and your life. His latest book Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness released October 3, 2017 is already a #1 international bestseller
Robert is a husband, father and 5th degree master black belt martial arts instructor. He is also a dedicated volunteer who completely embodies the spirit of service—a selfless commitment to helping others make a positive difference in the world.
KickAss Relationship Show

Join renowned speaker, best-selling author, media personality, and marriage coach, Midori Verity on, The Kickass Relationship Show,' as she shares intimate secrets and modern advice for couples, to elevate your relationship to live sexier and happier, to have WAAAY more fun! Midori believes success in life is better when mixed with excitement and love.
Feel more appreciated
End the screaming and start the thriving!
Get Re-connected on a higher level with your partner
Create the blueprint for success in all aspects of your life
Have the relationship & life you’ve dreamed of!
Then Tune into my KickAss Relationship Show, and learn strategic tools to quit the B.S. and feel connected, understood and loved, and regain control of your future as a couple! So you can live life to the fullest!
Just come open, and receptive, and enjoy the transformation!
• Love deeper
• Live happier
• Communicate better
• Stop the fighting & start the thriving!
With Midori Verity