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Hungry for the Truth, August 11, 2015

George Neo
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Universal Soul Love
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with Det David Love and Dr Lana Love

Dr Lana Love and Det David Love Interview George Neo found of Etherion Eco-Village in New South Wales Australia about self-sustainable living practices.

George Neo Short Biography July 2014

1978 RMIT graduate of Engineering (with distinction) launched a roller-coaster electronics design career with spectacular business success followed by a devastating court battle after George discovered the corruptive greed of his partners. George practiced Control, Discipline, Forbearance, & Timing, dealing with these mongrels means you can handle anyone. George now teaches these Shaman-Sorcerer disciplines as the ultimate Quest for Freedom.

Complex electronic design paralleled George’s intense yoga practice yielding immense boosts of personal energy & power. Compared to biological processes, technology seemed lame & redundant. He decided to quit a much-loved 26-year career, & just two days later, the Universe agreed with a redundancy notice – the entire office of engineers, physicists & administrators thought he was nuts as they had all lost their jobs while he had a huge smile on his face.

Magpie House Victoria established 2004 with Yogaplex Yoga School & Spiritual Cinema, therapists & world-class events, see

Major campaigns launched on Chemtrails, Fluoridated Water, Pharmaceuticals, Fracking, & the Smart Grid with engineering expertise. In 2007, the wider Magpie House community decided Intentional Community was urgent. Fear collapsed the group, but rather than waste the intense joyful research a magnificent Tablelands 701 hectares was purchased. The Highly Evolved Being model derived from often painful primitive Human Nature interactions, with an offering to those prepared to acknowledge the highest of teachings & practice.

Namaste, George Neo, 20th July 2014


George & Christine Neo 03 9752 5838

Magpie House Wholistic Centre 48 Main St Upwey Victoria

Yogaplex Yoga School

Guest, George Neo

Guest Name
George Neo
George Neo
Guest Occupation
Yoga Instructor and Founder of Etherion Eco-Village
Guest Biography

George Neo Short Biography July 2014 1978

RMIT graduate of Engineering (with distinction) launched a roller-coaster electronics design career with spectacular business success followed by a devastating court battle after George discovered the corruptive greed of his partners. George practiced Control, Discipline, Forbearance, & Timing, dealing with these mongrels means you can handle anyone. George now teaches these Shaman-Sorcerer disciplines as the ultimate Quest for Freedom.

Complex electronic design paralleled George’s intense yoga practice yielding immense boosts of personal energy & power. Compared to biological processes, technology seemed lame & redundant. He decided to quit a much-loved 26-year career, & just two days later, the Universe agreed with a redundancy notice – the entire office of engineers, physicists & administrators thought he was nuts as they had all lost their jobs while he had a huge smile on his face.

Magpie House Victoria established 2004 with Yogaplex Yoga School & Spiritual Cinema, therapists & world-class events, see .

Major campaigns launched on Chemtrails, Fluoridated Water, Pharmaceuticals, Fracking, & the Smart Grid with engineering expertise. In 2007, the wider Magpie House community decided Intentional Community was urgent. Fear collapsed the group, but rather than waste the intense joyful research a magnificent Tablelands 701 hectares was purchased. The Highly Evolved Being model derived from often painful primitive Human Nature interactions, with an offering to those prepared to acknowledge the highest of teachings & practice.

Namaste, George Neo, 20th July 2014


George & Christine Neo 03 9752 5838 Magpie House Wholistic Centre 48 Main St Upwey Victoria Yogaplex Yoga School

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