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Hungry for the Truth, April 12, 2016

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Universal Soul Love - Ascension or Descension - Episode 1
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Guests, David-Uriel Ibarra (Eagleheart) and Douglas Newsom

Universal Soul Love - Ascension or Descension - Episode 1

Det David Love and Dr Lana Love discuss the great choice facing us with the Event - to Ascend into Spiritual Awakening or Descend into Fear ?
Special Guests Doug Newson and David Ibarra Eagleheart.

Guest, David-Uriel Ibarra

Guest Name
David-Uriel Ibarra
Eagle Heart
Guest Occupation
Rev., N.D., CHt., RMT, NESTA-Certified Physical Fitness Trainer
Guest Biography

Before embracing his gifts from Spirit, Rev. David-Uriel led a very active lifestyle that included baseball and martial arts. He was also, and still is, involved in the aviation industry working for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) since November 1997, where he currently is involved as a Regional Specialist helping to bridge gaps in the aviation world between the U.S. Federal Government and the public, to include the international aviation world.

While enlisted in the U.S Air Force as an aircraft maintenance technician, after returning from the Gulf War (Desert Storm) in 1991, Rev. David-Uriel was diagnosed with a debilitating condition called Fibromyalgia in October 2000.

Because of the severity of the condition, Rev. David-Uriel began a journey of self discovery, which involved many allopathic (western) doctors in various fields of practice. When these doctors provided no answers, Rev. David-Uriel began to seek alternative methods of exercise, medicine and healing, including energy healing. In the process of searching for relief of this physical disorder, Rev. David-Uriel discovered that a balanced combination of open minded allopathic medicine philosophy, eastern medicine philosophy (acupuncture, herbs, etc.), and alternative healing modalities (Reflexology, Reiki, massage, etc.) helped his condition to not only lessen in intensity but to improve.

In 2004, Rev. David-Uriel founded the Integrated Reflex-Reiki® system of healing, which is based on the philosophy that by working on the three primary components that comprise the human form: physical, energetic, and spiritual, using both Reflexology and Reiki, a multi-dimensional approach to healing is created with deeper and longer lasting health benefits for the client.

Then, in 2005, Rev. David-Uriel and Rev. Susan Ott founded Aviante Health and Wellness Center® (AHWC) in Thousand Oaks, California ( At AHWC, they integrate the healing philosophies of Integrated Reflex-Reiki®, Quantum Bio-Feedback therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, massage, and many other healing modalities being practiced worldwide, to include allopathic medicine philosophies.

THEVSCN also offers free Distance Healing and Prayers Services, Sacred Circle Ceremonies in a virtual gathering, Funeral Services, House and Office Clearings, Smudging Ceremonies, Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Journey Tours, Weddings; Vows; and Civil Union Ceremonies, and opportunities to attend group events so we can all share our knowledge and wisdom with all who seek it to better assist in raising our consciousness, to become one global consciousness and to help create a heart-centered reality for all. All alternative health and wellness services are offered to THEVSCN members, through Aviante Health and Wellness Center®.

Guest, Douglas Newsom

Guest Name
Douglas Newsom
Douglas Newsom
Guest Occupation
Co-founder/CEO of BBS Network, Inc. (BBS Radio)
Guest Biography

Douglas Newsom is co-founder and CEO of BBS Network, Inc. (BBS Radio)

Doug is Kundalini Experiencer! A keen, bright eyed participant of thought and activity. A unique soul traveling new roads - deeper, more aware and full of Energy!

24 years experience in corporate business development from inception through till profitability and/or fully operational status. A creative, operations and entrepreneurial background; responsible for the successful creation, startup, management and development of a veritable dozen companies over the course of his career, and has raised in excess of $25 million in private equity on behalf of start-ups.

Deep experience in corporate finance; financial structures, funding strategies, methods, planning and structural implementation.

Deep experience in public relations, investor relations and the development and creation of investment materials.

Deep experience in research, organization, formulation, writing and implementation of business plans, offerings and agreements for the formulation of corporations, joint ventures, associations, partnerships and limited liability companies.

Background in sales and marketing of consumer products.

Advanced communication and problem solving skills.

Proficiency in computer hardware, software and the Internet Web development.

Specialties: Bilingual - German

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