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The Hundredth Monkey Radio, July 10, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Sifu Jenny Lamb


Sifu is a graduate of the prestigious Beijing University of Physical Education, has been a student of Chinese Martial Arts for forty years with many awards, and a teacher of Chinese internal arts since 1975 in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Canada and the U.S. She is the founder of the Eastern Internal Arts Institute and of the Tasting Tao Center. She was an actor in the first modern mainland Chinese martial arts movie (The Honor of DongFang Xu. Also called Prides Deadly Fury) and has been featured on the Discovery Health Channel. She is a Taoist and Buddhist practitioner with a Masters degree in Religious Studies and is working on her Ph.D. in Religious Studies with an emphasis on Chinese Buddhism.

Her specialties are internal and healing arts. Her combination of knowledge, skill and teaching ability is unique and her motivational techniques enable her students to surpass their greatest expectations. To experience her instruction is an opportunity which should not be missed.

The Hundredth Monkey Radio

The Hundredth Monkey Radio with Tom Kappernman and Ramon Almonte, banner
Tom Kappernman and Ramon Almonte


Albert Einstein

Just being a couple of guys who have great concern in the things happening in our existence, Ramon and I (Tom), decided to host a show to have a forum for us to ask questions of some of the researchers and fellow experiencers on this great planet we currently find ourselves.

Please look for us in the near future with interviews and conversations with some of the cutting edge researchers in the fields of UFO's, Consciousness, Spirituality, Religion, Health, Symbolism, Physics and what ever else we find interesting or applicable to the growth of humanity....

You get to a point where you are questioning everything for some of us. We are happy with the answers they give. For others, It's not enough. Are they spraying our skies? Are they poisoning our food and water? And why? Are there other beings visiting us from a different planet, universe, or dimension? Is there more to us than skin and bones? Does our consciousness create our reality? Are there higher powers or are we this higher power? Why are we being visited by extra terrestrial's? What happens to us when we die? Is this my first life on this planet? Have I lived more lives? What is my purpose in life? Was the human species created by aliens? Is our government hiding advance technologies? Are we at the verge of advancing consciously, physically and emotionally? Are we becoming a new human species? What does 2012 mean? Or is it nonsense? Are the powers that be trying to dumb us down or keep us from evolving spiritually? These are some of the questions you may be asking. And we will try to answer them, but each one of us is responsible for finding our own truths. Tune in every week as we investigate these questions and more.

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