Stargate Round Table, July 5, 2018
Stargate Round Table Marietta Pickett and friends and guest Rob Potter the 2nd hour
Guest, Rob Potter

Rob Potter has been researching healing and consciousness for over 40 years. He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Canada, Europe and USA. He has a website called The Promise Revealed. You may enjoy many interviews Rob has done for their stations including on coast to coast on his website
This website tells robs Story and has many revelations about Planetary liberation and the advanced healing technologies. Many of which involve Pyramids, Sacred Geometry, Crystals, Lasers and Tesla coils. He has 2 weekly radio shows called “The Victory of Light “Radio Show.
He has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975. He was ordained into the Royal Order of Melchizadech through the Venusian Commander Valiant Thor. He is working with a fellow Contactee named Cobra to prepare people for the “Event”. Rob has authored much of the information and important work that can be found on He has traveled extensively is search for truth and has spent time with Sai Baba in India and has been taught Kriya Yoga by Babaji.
At 22 Rob was invited to the desert by the Ascended "Master Hilarion" via Gabriel Green to meet a "Teacher". The "Teacher" was one of the ET's original earth military allies. He experienced his first physical contact with 3 witnesses present. Rob has spent much of his time studying the extra-terrestrials. He has met several ET's in person. He has done many radio and newspaper interviews on sharing the profound aspects of the ongoing process we know as Interplanetary Cultural Exchange. Rob loves sharing advanced healing and manifestation technologies utilizing light sound and color in conjunction with tesla coils, scalar waves, Quantum entanglement technologies, pyramidal arrays and sacred geometry crystal chambers.
Rob is considered an expert in Pyramidology and the uses of crystals and Lasers for advanced quantum field healing. Rob is sharing the healing technology given to Fred Bell during his over 35 year of developing and making these devices. He was inside The Kings Chamber in Egypt on Dec. 21st 2012. Rob was recently also in Bosnia with JJ Hurtak and Dr Sam Osmanagich the discoverer of the world’s largest known pyramid. He also has an annual summer Conference series in Mt Shasta California that this year had over 150 guests. Next years 2015 summer conference Rob will introduce Omnec Onec the woman who came from Venus to share the message of love and peace.
Robs Spiritual Heritage and Cosmic Destiny Presentations
Rob is available for speaking engagements and shares the latest developments and plans for the liberation of planet from Inter dimensional Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters. Rob often demonstrates his Star Gate portal technology to help people actually develop and experience their own spiritual bodies or Merkahbah conscious field. This “Promise Pyramid Healing System” will actually help you understand quantum physics of how to integrate feeling and thought to accelerate the manifestation. This process of manifestation is sometimes called the secret and Rob will explain this in great detail.
Rob may also speak about his personal physical contacts with different ET groups. He will answer all questions related to the individual and planetary Ascension process, as well as any questions about the “Event” Rob plans to share the science of Kriya yoga and the Rainbow Vortex Meditation.
Robs will share revelations on The Galactic Federations views of earth and it history considered vital to a balanced perspective on the earth situation at this critical juncture our growth.
Rob will explain how Star Gate Portal technology designed to heal the planet. The sharing of understanding of the many different ET races, their historical interaction with earths peoples and the ancient scriptures including the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Mayan calendar and the Vedas is a wonderful aspect of Rob's work.
The historical aspect of these many spiritual lineages of light is a revelation that can allow us to all work together. Robs presentations will clear up many of the hidden and dark agendas and how we can overcome these negative plans by invoking the light. Working with the GFL towards peaceful resistance and service to others are keys to the earth’s destiny liberation from tyranny.
“ We the ground crew and light workers of the world must unite and play our part in the awakening of humanity. Our efforts can hasten the day of liberation and ease the earth through the process of birth into a new and exciting day for humanity. Love peace prosperity for all is part of this plan and we must begin to take part in this transition. Our good works and loving service is required in any way we feel called to serve.”
Victory To The Light
Stargate Round Table

Tune in now to this fabulous program, a program with your host Marietta Pickett. Explore the truth with an open mind, and be more than you are for having one and giving many! Join Us!
Stargate Round Table was established 12 years ago as a place "to discover a way of governing ourselves using the "Round Table" format, to begin practicing how we may be governing ourselves in the future, to discover how we may best manifest the "Law Of One" in our daily lives and our conference calls, to allow those that feel called to serve an opportunity to offer their talents, and to create an open forum for creative ideas.
Stargate Round Table hosts speakers who contribute many different thoughts, ideas, and modalities of how we can better take back responsibility for our lives, health and spirituality. After an opening meditation, we begin with a brief overview of "Breaking News" and also offer a segment for you to get your questions answered.