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Stargate Round Table, April 9, 2015

David Hulse
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Stargate Round Table
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Stargate Round Table

2nd Hour interview with David Hulse, C.M.S.T.T. with

David Hulse, C.M.S.T.T. (Certified Master Sound Therapy Teacher) combines his 50 years of experience as a motivational speaker with years of research in metaphysics, science, sound and spirituality to bring you a unique and empowering experience. Participants in David’s workshops invariably comment that they had no idea how powerful the experience was going to be. David’s ability to gather all the fragments of truth from many different disciplines helps bring all of your experiences up to now into focus. Participants tell us that things in their life that seemed separate and fragmented suddenly come together after spending the weekend with David. We invite you to come and experience an empowering and inspiring weekend with David Hulse and experience the power of SomaEnergetics!
At the turn of the century, David’s accelerating interest and research into the lost frequencies of the Ancient Solfeggio Scale, served as the Spirit-Guided catalyst for SomaEnergetics - a technique whereby the Solfeggio Tuning Forks help facilitate the releasing of energy to flow more easily. These custom-made forks, as well as training classes in the SomaEnergetics Sound Therapies, including the Energy Vitality Technique are available exclusively through SomaEnergetics.
 "We are hearing from individuals around the country that these unique frequencies are making a difference in their lives. That is how I know something is real - by the fruit that is bears," observes David.
David believes that these Sacred Tones actually serve as a "vibrational bridge" to holistically re-integrate the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual, as well as all of Humanity— collectively.
For more about David's Ministry, visit

Stargate Round Table

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett
Show Host
Marietta Pickett

Tune in now to this fabulous program, a program with your host Marietta Pickett. Explore the truth with an open mind, and be more than you are for having one and giving many! Join Us!

Stargate Round Table was established 12 years ago as a place "to discover a way of governing ourselves using the "Round Table" format, to begin practicing how we may be governing ourselves in the future, to discover how we may best manifest the "Law Of One" in our daily lives and our conference calls, to allow those that feel called to serve an opportunity to offer their talents, and to create an open forum for creative ideas.

Stargate Round Table hosts speakers who contribute many different thoughts, ideas, and modalities of how we can better take back responsibility for our lives, health and spirituality. After an opening meditation, we begin with a brief overview of "Breaking News" and also offer a segment for you to get your questions answered.

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