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Spiritual Activist, January 7, 2019

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Spiritual Activist
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Guest, Foster Gamble on the documentary THRIVE

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Guest, Foster Gamble on the documentary THRIVE

Guest, Foster Gamble

Guest Name
Foster Gamble
Foster Gamble, Filmmaker, Host, Writer, Director, Thrive Community Founder, Aikido Black Belt, Living Geometry Researcher, Human Potential Facilitator and Consciousness Educator
Guest Occupation
Filmmaker, Host, Writer, Director, Thrive Community Founder, Aikido Black Belt, Living Geometry Researcher, Human Potential Facilitator, Consciousness Educator
Guest Biography

Foster Gamble - President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media; Creator, Host, Co-Writer, and Director of Visual Design for THRIVE

At age 14, Foster Gamble had a vision where he glimpsed what he perceived to be the Universe’s fundamental energy pattern. He spent the next 35 years trying to figure out the details and implications of what he had seen. That quest took two paths: a scientific journey and an exploration of the human potential to navigate successfully through the challenges threatening our survival. THRIVE represents the convergence of these two paths.

While at Princeton University, Foster helped to create their first film-making department. At the time, the emergence of a global media delivery system seemed likely, and Foster’s love of film combined with his concern for the planet inspired him to focus on what would be the most critical content to one day deliver through that system.

In his search for a way out of our violence and demise, Foster discovered Aikido – the non-violent martial art – which proved for him the possibility of being simultaneously powerful and gentle. He earned a third degree black belt and trained in and taught Aikido for 15 years.

Applying Aikido principles to daily life informed Foster’s professional career: He created a training and technology company, MindCenter, that employed brainwave biofeedback to help people learn how to manage stress and to tune their consciousness. He also created Interaction Dynamics, a training program for mastering skills in communication, team-building and conflict resolution for couples, business teams, schools and families across the United States. He combined Aikido energy principles and mind fitness techniques in Zonesport Training, which tapped his passion for sports in helping high level athletes to enhance their performance. Addressing the demands of balancing his own personal, family and professional lives led Foster to create a program called LifeBalance.

Furthering his exploration of what was keeping humanity from thriving, Foster spent nearly a decade “following the money” in every sector of human endeavor. The process revealed an understanding of our predicament that led him to create the strategic solutions offered in THRIVE. Foster’s exploration of “living geometry” – how nature builds the “material” world, came to fruition in 1997 when he co-convened the Sequoia Symposium, a multi-disciplinary scientific think tank exploring perspectives on “Unification Theory.” 

There, the primary patterning that the universe uses to sustain healthy systems was clarified and cohered, as was its use as a blueprint for us to design sustainable, all-inclusive technologies and social systems. This discovery represents the convergence of science and the evolution of consciousness that Foster set out to explore after his initial vision, and is the “code” that is featured in the documentary film, THRIVE, and on this website.

Foster lives in Santa Cruz, California with his wife Kimberly Carter Gamble.

Spiritual Activist

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored
Show Host
Rahasya Uncensored, Rahasya Poe

NOTE: The Spiritual Activist Radio Show is a community supported non-profit project sponsored by the Charitable Partnership Fund so your contributions are what make this possible.

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This page is the beginning of me, Rahasya, telling it like it is, which is not meant for everyone in today’s sedated society. But if you are reading this you should bookmark this page and come back frequently because this is the “Uncensored” section of Lotus Guide where we are allowed to do that lost trait called “Thinking for Ourselves.”

I’m in the process of starting an Internet Live Radio show that will be a community supported non-profit endeavor once I can get my non-profit status.  To talk about the things that need to be talked about I need to be free of commitments to advertisers so it will be entirely a non-profit mission driven show.  The show will be called “Spiritual Activist Radio with Rahasya…Uncensored.”  The reason for this is because after many years of looking, and dealing, with life’s problems I have come to understand that they are by their very nature, “Spiritual” problems which means that the solutions need to be Spiritual solutions. When I use the word ‘Spiritual’ I could just as easily use the word “Consciousness.” 

Albert Einstein once said that we will never find the solutions from the same level of thinking/consciousness that created the problems.  I’m sure you have noticed that no matter what we do we end up making it worse or the situations connected to it worse.  Over the past few centuries the only thing we have progressed at is to come up with more efficient ways to annihilate each other and destroy the world around us.  Martin Luther King once said that “We have guided missiles and misguided souls.” 

We have cut ourselves off from the very nature around us that supports us and we need to reconnect. Without an evolution of consciousness…this will not happen.  The answers we seek lie within.

So we all need to be a “Spiritual Activist” which simply means that we need to take action in the world around us using a higher level of awareness. Our world leaders, sorry to say, are on legal and illegal drugs and for the most part are sociopaths making decisions about our lives.  It’s time to Wake Up from THEIR madness!

You are not alone when you get this feeling that something amazing is happening even in the face of all the chaos and destruction in our world. Our strength lies in our ability to come together with other like-minds and together we can and will change the world…Join Me and millions of others.

Thank you, Rahasya

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