Soul Mirrors, January 12, 2021
Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa with cohost Sri Ram Kaa
Commissioner Christopher Foltz is an award winning public relations and brand development strategist, and Founder of the Chicago based Social Policy Institute, which focuses in research, training, and policy initiatives in the fields of education, housing, employment, restorative justice, healthcare, public safety, veteran affairs, social enterprises, and the environment.
Soul Mirrors

Soul Mirrors! What is your life reflecting?
Hosted by: Master Lady Kira Raa
WAKE UP and travel beyond the illusion! What is the mirror of your life reflecting around you and what does it mean?
Engage your day to day experience with the Unique voices of consciousness that matter! Master Lady Kira Raa’s provocative commentary and fresh interview style provides fascinating perspectives about the “big questions”. Relax and open your mind…even more…as your consciousness EXPANDS! Lively, entertaining, and refreshingly authentic, the hour goes quickly!
Extraordinary guests, from the cutting edge, add depth & dimension to the fascinating conversation. Be sure to call in early, (lines fill fast), to share your perspective or request one of Kira Raa’s famous mini soul readings!