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Shadow Politics, May 10, 2020

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Shadow Politics
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Guests, Dr JoAnn Fisher and Tiffany Daniel

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael Brown and Maria Sanchez

Guests, Dr JoAnn Fisher and Tiffany Daniel

Headlined Show, Shadow Politics May 10, 2020

Shadow Politics
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WOMEN VETERANS IN CRISIS DURING COVID-19 - During this terrible time in America, women veterans are experiencing special hardships. I'll be talking to Dr. JoAnn Fisher, CEO and Tiffany Daniel, Director of Health & Wellness both from the Women Veterans United Committee, Inc. Join us on Mother's Day to hear how you can stand up for veteran Moms who have stood up for us. 

Guest, Dr JoAnn Fisher

Guest Name
Dr JoAnn Fisher
Dr. JoAnn Fisher
Guest Occupation
CEO of WomenVeteransUnitedCommittee,Inc.(WVUCI)
Guest Biography
Dr. Fisher served in the United States Navy Reserves on active duty for 15 years with an Honorable Discharge. Intense experience speaking and presenting in public as well as program planning and the coordination of activities, events and projects. Have knowledge, Skills and Abilities of unique issues and challenges faced by Women Veterans which includes knowledge of local, state, and federal laws and programs related to veterans' benefits and services, particularly those related to Women Veterans. Knowledgeable regarding organizations that assist Women Veterans as well as the operation of state and federal government. Very knowledgeable of public administration, program planning and implementation, as well as skilled in developing and maintaining cooperative work relationships with federal, state and community-based organizations, Veteran County Service Officers, and other Veteran organizations. Exceptional communication skills both orally and in writing with the ability to gather, assemble, correlate, and analyze information; to devise solutions to problems. Review current information, statutes, rules and/or polices that affect Women Veterans. Provide guidance, technical assistance, and recommendations on Women Veteran's issues. Attend meetings, conferences, seminars, or hearings, and serves on designated boards, panels, or committees relating to Women Veterans. Prepare and conducts high-level briefings and presentations to legislators, government agencies, Veterans' organizations, and other business and community leaders related to Women Veterans. Encourage and support recognition of Women Veteran's contribution to Maryland, Washington, DC, and the nation. Ability to develop and evaluate policies and procedures; to prepare reports; to communicate effectively, and to train others. Over 20 years’ experience as a Women Veterans Chair for the Maryland and Washington, DC Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and other Veteran Service Organizations.

Guest, Tiffany Daniel

Guest Name
Tiffany Daniel
Tiffany Daniel
Guest Occupation
Director of Health & Wellness Women Veterans United Committee, Inc.
Guest Biography

Tiffany Daniel joined the US Army in 1986,retiring in 2014,and is a CombatVeteran.She is presently in the US Army Inactive Ready Reserves. Her first combat tour was with the 115th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) in support of Desert Shield/Storm. She started as a Track Vehicle Repairer (63H)going on recovery missions later becoming an Automated Logistical Specialist (92A). Both positions held mainly by men. The main mission for the Mobile Hospital was to recover abandoned vehicles. Tiffany later became a combat medic for her Mobile Support Team (MST). From the onset of deployment Tiffany soon realized that her life had a bigger mission,and she has been determined ever since to submit to it. Tiffany has evolved into a woman of God created in His greatness daily pursuing her purpose driven life.Tiffany is an Analyst by trade and an Inspirational Health and Wellness Coach by purpose. She is a member of the following organizations: Federally Employed Women (FEW), a non-profit organization working as an advocacy group to improve the status of women employed by the federal government. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW),a non-profit organization that supports veterans to ensure they are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made in the community and for our country.With the VFW she held the positions of Chaplain, Past District and Post Commander.Heal a Woman Heal a Nation, member, a community-based organization that promotes holistic wellness for women and families through education,physical and mental health, economic and self-empowerment. In choosing to become an Ambassador, she decided to make the commitment to stay focused and support the leaders that activate change in our communities. On One Accord Ministries, Inc.,a faith based non-profit organization assisting women as they transition from Victims of Domestic Violence, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehabilitation and Returning Citizens, to getting their life back in order. Catherine Foundation Pregnancy and Crisis Center, a faith based non-profit organization that educates women on healthy lifestyles, gives support, counseling,and referrals (shelter, food, clothing etc.) to assist them during and after their pregnancy.PresentDirector for Women Veterans United Committee, Inc. (WVUCI).Tiffany has two loving sons and three darling grandsons. She is a native Washingtonian, attended Margret Washington Vocational High School where she graduated from the Licensed Practical Nursing Program to pursue a career in nursing. Tiffany holds a BS in Psychology, Institute of Intergrative Nutrition Alumni, Cleveland Clinic Certified in Behavioral Health and Wellness and graduate of Spirit of Faith Bible Institute, Ministerial Studies.Tiffanyhas now put all this dedication and experience together to assist her as she operates in her passion.She was the owner of the Independently Owned Curves of Fort Washington, MD a franchise for women’s health & fitness.

Shadow Politics

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown
U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Shadow Politics is a grass roots talk show giving a voice to the voiceless. For more than 200 years the people of the Nation's Capital have ironically been excluded from the national political conversation. With no voting member of either house of Congress, Washingtonians have lacked the representation they need to be equal and to have their voices heard. Shadow Politics will provide a platform for them, as well as the millions of others nationwide who feel politically disenfranchised and disconnected, to be included in a national dialog.

We need to start a new conversation in America, one that is more inclusive and diverse and one that will lead our great nation forward to meet the challenges of the 21st century. At Shadow Politics, we hope to get this conversation started by bringing Americans together to talk about issues important to them. We look forward to having you be part of the discussion so call in and join the conversation. America is calling and we're listening… Shadow Politics is about America hearing what you have to say. It's your chance to talk to an elected official who has spent more than 30 years in Washington politics. We believe that if we start a dialog and others add their voices we will create a chorus. Even if those other politicians in Washington don't hear you — Senator Brown will. He's on a mission to listen to what America has to say and use it to start a productive dialog to make our democracy stronger and more inclusive. If we are all part of the solution we can solve any problem.

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