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Saving with Steve, September 21, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Kristina Wise and Helen Horyza

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Kristina Wise and Helen Horyza

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the saving with Steve sure we talked about everything under the sun<br>you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve Sexton this is the saving with Steve show and I want to thank you for joining us that you don't we have over 600,000 listeners that continues to grow every single month and we want to thank you for sharing this with your friends your family or so she has this shows brought to you by score one of the best places to go to increase your credit score quickly and you know what only takes about a minute we have a very special show for you to a life-changing for a lot of people we had covid some people lost her job so people got a bag some people then laid off we're finding out there's more and more jobs available and now that some of the wage enhancements or the subsidies that we're going for unemployment people are going back to look for jobs in fact 60% of middle-income workers are looking to make a career change<br>a lot of us we have Helen poisson here today to help us make a successful career change and everybody wants to make sure that they're on tax-free retirement so today I'm going to talk about your retirement savings benchmarks everybody wants to know they're on Pace for retiring and how much need to say I'm going to help you make sure you're on track where are your kind of moving in or moving out of the pandemic the Delta bar and all that kind of stuff some people are really lucky they have good income a good business with good income but quite frankly having to give me a real well many people just like you or listening or we considered retirement you're really lucky to have Christina wise here to the Real Estate Mogul millionaire code best-selling author of several multimillion-dollar businesses Christian Outreach is high net-worth entrepreneurs how to convert business income in the personal net worth and passive income he's a host of wealthy wealthy podcast<br>best selling book falling for money owner of the wealthy wealthy and scoured Academy Christian welcome to the show thanks for being with us today my pleasure it's so great to be here everybody knows that you were on before they're looking forward to having you back because you just been part of such wonderful wisdom but I think it's really important that we get started with your story the foundation of who you are what brought you today and always see your help and tons of people do very very well in that can relate well to shorten it in a way as us I think we learned a lot through polarities and contrast but the contrast is that I'm going to started in a trailer home and it was very humble upbringing has to say the least and you know a home that was Laden with I'd say a lot of arguments especially over my knee and broken family really just growing up in an environment where the lack of money to created a lot of issues including alcohol is<br>another things inside that was that upbringing and so much of my life is definitely shaped who I am today because I didn't want to continue that type of life and it certainly sit me on my journey to learn money and to get good at this thing because I did want to create a different environment and change really the Legacy for my children than you know where I started like switch it up because there is a charm that I've learned since if you can call generational poverty it's just so easy to stay in the same patterns that we've been conditioned to because it feels normal even do it maybe it's not that happy place it's a normal place so I was just writing a Blog article in factories has a little bit late with you I got caught up in a blog in lost time zones but part of the block I was just writing was reflection in the last 30 days and the last 30 days to really share it with those that follow me I really was possible and I even did reference you know this is actually the life of a girl he started a trailer house<br>because of the last 30 days you know I moved from Austin to Park City take a nice road trip when I attend a yacht sailing trip through the Virgin Islands through some great parties did some work here in there cuz I love work I'm passionate about what I teach no one to help others but the whole thing is is to really show I think it's possible that when we are creators inventors and we study money we understand this thing we know why were working we know me how the money works in the overall genre that we call her life it's amazing what could be possible so anyway girls trailer home and girl that now pretty much gets to live her life the way she wants to because in contact with you and I are talking about a money allows me to do so I've been watching the people who built America Andrew Carnegie 12 years old working for mr. Scott in the railroad business and he came from very humble beginnings<br>that he went to work at 12 just so he can help support his family and then you got John D Rockefeller who was on the brink of disaster before he had his Epiphany almost got killed on a train but they built some really big things and you're all along that line and anybody listening to this show the weather you here in United States around the world to the 85 countries that goes to it could be you the opportunities are you can do it from anywhere so I think that's a wonderful Story one of those things are really want to come back to is a lot of people get this wrong but what's the one thing that people get wrong with money that I'm not only sabotages any chance of Building Wealth<br>there's a few different things just kind of top of the line thing I find it the number one far exceeds everything else is what I call the common sense about money and the common sense of money is that there's a common sense to it maybe we make it we can spend it in the more money we make the more money we can spend we make more money we can buy more things at the end of the day and its money in money out so what that causes us I think to believe intuitively or subconsciously is money's not that difficult meaning there's no there's no science to it if we somehow it will just work itself out so we make money we spend money and somehow it keeps working that way so what I find is the number one had a belief that comes out of that is that we don't need to study money<br>in my belief is it money as a life skill so whatever or skill is that we go to work or we have a business we develop a certain skill so if it's an accountant we learned the skill of being an accountant right in then we get compensated for that scale for a plumber we gain the skills of being a plumber we get compensated for how good we are at that skill if I'm a pilot you know I learn the skill of being a pilot I can land plane successfully and I get compensated for that skill so we all have these skill sets and early on in our life we don't have any skills we don't get compensated that well because we don't have a lot of skill stand off of the value tip for a higher compensation have another College don't really have any skills yet you know but over time we developed the skills and with the skills we offer more value and are the result of that value we get compensated more and that's really kind of how the money system works so to speak not rocket science but the takeaway there is compensation for skill<br>and what were not taught since the school system isn't really about life skills about what is whatever the school system offers we're not taught that money is a skill and I mean it's a life skill means we need to have the skill to get through life in the more we have the skill developed like we all have a certain skill set we can pay our bills you know there's the skill of paying bills that until you start paying bills you don't have that skill so it appears though that's all the skill that we need when it comes to money to be able to have enough whatever that number is that we'd even have against The Untold Truth is that when we can learn the skill and develop this life skill called money and the better we are at holding the skittle money plays a different role and we can solve a lot of our money problems with this new skill that we can't solve when we don't have it I think that's the biggest kind of lack of awareness is that we don't know or understand or we've not been told that money is a skill that can be learned in the better<br>so that we have the easier money is and the more of money we have agreed there because the railways most people get their money skills by the age of seven to go see Mom and Dad and the reality is Mom and Dad's educational money might be very very limited especially on your situation and even in my situation where I grew up with five kids my dad spent his day working all day to support five kids and all that kind of stuff and we really didn't watch him spend money cuz my mom was the one who do the shopping my mom got all the stuff to my dad was working his rear end off cuz that's where it was back then so it was vastly different when it comes to looking at people and I find it even people who don't make a lot of money who got an educated about money and understand actually how it works have created serious well when I was a senior manager at the automobile club I met a gentleman who didn't make more than $35,000 a year but<br>we understood the idea of compounding so he set aside so much money every single week every single paycheck and just put it in his investment account and all he really cared about is making sure he had that money there and then he had something that grew now he didn't put away a lot of money cuz you didn't have a lot when I met him at the age of 60 had well over a million dollars in there he wasn't going to make much from the Social Security but when he's going to make significant amounts that million dollars and that's where he created well so regards to whatever happened they always make sure that money went into those accounts to stay so they can create them well so that was somebody who didn't have a lot but understood and learned a lot from others on how to grow it that's kind of the message that I think you're talking about is the more you can understand how money Works how you can budget how you can plan and how you can put things away the more you can save the more you can create wealth and quite frankly I talked to many doctors and lawyers who make a half million dollars a year but<br>I have anything and they've come to the realization at 55 and 56 that they probably work until the day they died because they spend it all the different skill-set just because you know if your Uber smart your doctor lawyer that's making good money that it's automatically translate too well because you're smart one area it doesn't stand to reason that money would be pretty easy too. Just goes to prove the point that just because you're smart and one area doesn't mean you're good at money in fact many times quite the opposite because one of the principles of money when you don't understand it would kind of believe this we have these beliefs program beliefs that I think just sabotage our ability to create well and what is kind of like I said that common sense when we we can actually develop the skill and get out of the Common Sense we're much more likely to be successful with this money thing and great wealth and other beliefs<br>it's just my built-in is the more money that I answered all my money problems is to make more money so then it just sends his on his path I put myself all these money problems just buy this amount of money at must be at the next Escalon Ave in Comer Prophet the truth is it's the opposite is the more money we make them more problems it causes us if we haven't figured out this money game more problems when you make a lot more money to get divorced or fighting over a lot more stuff right if you guys like money can exacerbate all of the things that don't really show up when they're so not a lot of it so when we think making more money to answer to our money problems that's actually the opposite the more money we may cause us more money problems if we don't understand this new thing so that's another thing that we can start flipping it and kind of go on the other side that's where the genius lies the truth lies I'm going to be other side of these things we believe to be true that we've been program<br>be right back with more Christina why more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money it was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton sipping whiskey shall we have Christina wise she's giving us some wonderful Pearls of information we've been talking about how people sabotage themselves how they can flip that script even though I'm going to say I'm going to call the robot brain that keeps Pro bring him to do the same thing over and over again which is kind of shooting themselves in the foot and how they can educate themselves and create a habit out of welcome back to the show folks I have Christina wise Christina welcome back to the show let's continue on that vein how can people start flipping that script so they can start making good financial decision is creating themselves while Prosperity passive income and things like that<br> if anybody listening has money problems needing money just isn't working out the way they would like it to work out then the only answer to that is quit doing what you're doing because continue to do what you're already doing will continue to get you what you've already got so we can only produce different outcomes by learning something different you usually doing something differently with me learning something different we like what we know now isn't working out so we need to learn to know something different so I just really ask people or just charge them to to be curious what is there more to learn about money what do I don't know about this who can I talk to what books can I read what podcast can I continue Listen to Let's really challenge oneself to say I need to do I need to know and do something differently and go to acquire somebody still like we talked about that needs to be learned and just to get in outside of these pre-program beliefs because to your point you said it perfectly agree with you one hundred percent<br> it were money programme by the ages 7 to 10 so we're adults with a seven year old mentality around money that we've acquired it was not really trust those we've not kind of looked at that old baggage so to speak and clean it up that's what I say is just get curious about money want to learn it when I do something different work with someone like me or the money school to start learning these things work with someone like you that can help people and give great advice and start giving direction and be a team player when it comes in this wealth games you can't do it alone you need a great team and that thing I wanted to say to just in reference to what you said before the break was when you reference the gentleman who never made a lot of money that created well that's the truth is that part of the skill of money and what he did is even though he had a modest income his entire life he learn to sing called compound interest and if you've never used a compounding calculator then. Needs to be a little flag right there that you've got something to learn about Mike's the only way to create wealth is your money creates more money over time<br> in compounds on itself and that's what becomes the money like I have right now that is all that compounded money that I start saving investing and started growing for the last you know how many years that I've been putting money away so I can live this life. I live today where my money pays for the cost of my wife so I don't have to go turn it out every single day that I don't want to but it's just understanding again that wealth is created in the call in the margins even know what margin is that all wealth is in the margin and what that means is that there needs to be a margin a Delta a differential between the money you make and the money you spend after taxes that you're going to put somewhere in anywhere somewhere but to put that money in compounding assets so that compound in fact that Snowball Effect can take hold over time and ultimately that's where your wealth is going to be but if you don't you don't do that you're never going to have 12 unless it's given to you so that even people who have been given many of them don't handle it well<br> due to the second or third generation after that where they're actually broke even if you've been given while it's like many professional athletes and actors and people like that they don't have the skills to handle it and as such many cases are bankrupt within five or six years of the end of the career so it's really important one of the things that I was thinking about when you're talking about in the most simple things for me when I first started realizing this is writing down exactly what you spend<br> and then writing down what you earn and what you got left over it might be the scariest thing you ever see the first time and then you look at how can I do the same things for less and then you start seeing you hate you have that margin that you can start saving there's an interesting thing we didn't stay with one of my clients was trying to find money and basically what it was as she wasn't paying four bucks for one of these pre-packaged salads and if you buy one a day and I said okay so that's $4 a day * 30 days so that's a hundred and twenty bucks okay so what if you were to buy spinach and then you can buy your dressing and you buy a little fruit and all that kind of stuff how much would it cost to do the same thing for a month and it turned out it was about $30 that you owe and she started looking at things like a cell phone bill her husband drive a big truck but had to drive 60 miles and she drove with the Little Prince around town they switched cars with save them $200 a month so they looked at things like that then that's part of the one of the good stuff the bag getting educated for money and I don't know if that's something that you teach people but that's one thing that I liked it<br> man with people that I work with every dollar is doing something so I teach a concept or my money so exactly that we have the exercises for similar is your outline over 90 Days Inn in the system at format how you spent your money because if we do it because money kind of a parade send the dollar here dollar there until it adds up we don't know how much it adds up to my teacher concept of you spend a hundred percent of what you might like get excited spend every single dollar so it's not about not spending because the truth is all of our money gets spent no matter where it's all spent it's all moving from one place to another so sorry I did budgeting necessarily or not spending or you know the kind of this by Khalid the diet of money who wants to go on a low calorie diet you know even if it's some good results at the end of the day just kind of mindset around not eating or restriction or do you know all of that type of reduction it doesn't feel good so overtime people just go back and<br> I gained the weight again so same things applicable with money I found its on people's maybe can do this but they're going to go right back and gain kind of that money wait so we can get out like when it has to do with what's a diet for 10 but we can get out of this mindset of restriction diet and more of an abundance diet meaning that it's the mindset mentality run it how were organized as human beings like we want what we can't have some we can change the mindset around the Restriction diet the calorie counting your bad person if you and gave in and ate the ice cream and because you're trying not to do something that usually means it's going to be the rebound effect that you just going to go right back as opposed to just switching diets and it's not about restriction and it's about switching and so maybe I was more of What's called the American diet and I'm switching to it's called the paleo diet and the paleo diet it's all about it but it's like you could eat all of the healthy fruits and vegetables that you want you get to eat all of this healthy Dairy that you want you get to eat<br> Olive so it's about abundance of what you can have is a post restriction and what you can't have so people when they can move from the American diet and fully embrace the paleo diet that can be hugely successful keep the weight off field-grade don't feel deprived of anything in fact quite the opposite would see the mentality goes in different so with the money they can be very similar and we're trying to count every dollar and restriction and bad person if I do that and eating the salad at the end of day it's just there's trade-offs and so if it can be like I can spend 100% of what I make so I teach like how do we break that up so much money has ceased different purpose says let's say 15% of what we make that money gets to be spent on Pine and vestments how awesome is that so now I get to spend the money it's not like oh my God I have to spend and said I should be putting money into investing something and that's overwhelming and I'll figure that out later so we can switch the language like I get to that money is earmarked and I get you this this<br> money I get to put in my rainy-day bucket so that when life happens then I get to have that money to spend on things so I don't have to stress or cause my family this bucket here this is get to spend on luxuries I can't spend it all on the salads but if those salads are a luxury that fits into my over a hundred percent of what I spend and I have enough in that segment because that convenience is very important to me I get to spend the money on salad but only if there's money available for that type of what I call convenience or luxury spending so we can holistically look at our money and spend it according to its most important to us and understand there's a trade-off cuz we can only spend a hundred percent of what we make we can't spend a hundred rompers man this is after taxes to your point when we see where the money's going to not go in and now we can shift it now we have full control and autonomy and way we still made completely in alignment with what's important to us that's one of the best takeaways as opposed to going on the diet shift their focus to abundance so I'm going to spend to have abundance and Park<br> add abundance is to build a buns for my family down the road by spending that on and on investing in this or that so I think that's a great perspective thank you so much cuz anybody that's listening to understand that I'm okay now I can not worry about cutting back I can focus on that abundance and that's really really wanted to let you know Christina I always love talking to you cuz we don't get too many questions and we're already done with my interview hey how can people get ahold of you how can people get your help the best ways just go to sabert learn all about my money school if you want to read my book as a free download is called Falling for replace just get started so he's concept that were talking about cuz we really get to cover like one or two and I really wanted them right now and then Common Sense principles in the book and that's an easy way and like you said it's getting podcast all sorts of Juicy stuff so easy to find I hope you have a great time in Park City actually in another couple of months I'd love to be there to go skiing<br> but you enjoy the mountains and the Clean Air in the lovely people up there okay for you thank you for the wonderful world of wisdom to us to help us look at money in a different fashion so that we can change the way we operate and her beliefs the signal is brought to you by score did you know the average American is 97.6 and add to their credit score but have no idea how to get them the data scientists Core math with crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates on everything from buying a refinancing a home now leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points and five days 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get your tires scoremaster for free that's right<br> credit score go to score again, stating that more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the show where you want to go to her wealthy wealthy podcast Source our routine falling for money book is a free book we're going to make sure those resources are on our website so if you'd like to get Christina's house by all means you want to follow her I want to thank you all for joining us I truly appreciate you letting your friends and family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available in Saving was Steve that us and if you're enjoying the stories and help them the information inside on saving with Steve and I encourage you to subscribe to our Spotify and are Apple podcast play channel so you can never miss the show check out a few of our affiliate that you can help radio DBS Radio talk radio New York City e360 TV and Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you<br> to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of financial personal freedom also falls on Facebook you can join the Steve Sexton Insider Club at C-section. Us to get all the replays exclusive access to Apple videos guest gifts to take the lights to the next new level I want to be talking about how to make sure you're on track for retirement this is all about the retirement setting benchmarks to keep you on track folks what are the Benchmark if you're saving for retirement beneficial to know how much this day whether you're on the right track everybody Situation's different okay I guess but there are some useful retardedness parks that you can give you a sense of how you're doing to reach your goals after comparing your current numbers with the benchmarks you can then work on making any necessary adjustments and check your progress regularly City retirement in Bismarck you need to consider two factors how much you've already saved for retirement and your current age then compare your savings against your current<br> I think I'm to begin saving begin saving your goals based off your income what is a good retirement savings institutions than experts have Fugue Islands help answer that question Fidelity Investments for example has created the following set of benchmarks based on age for people in their fifties and sixties so if you're 50 years old you should have the equivalent of 6 times your annual salary so that means if you have $100,000 by 50 you should have $600,000 and fifty-five it seven times your annual salary 68 * 6710 * so that means if you're 67 years old<br> and you saved a million dollars cuz you have $100,000 year salary you're on track another Benchmark concept is Ames replaced nearly 80% of your current annual income in retirement so you can maintain your lifestyle what you retired so but that really says is people need about 80 per-cent of their annual income<br> retiring spell the big unknown is how long you will live how long should you listening play so security ministration they have a life expectancy calendar for example if you're born in 1978 I mean you're Now 51 years old and retired 67 you were tired 2037 and let's assume we have an annual income of $40,000 and if you expect to live for 20 years or more after retiring you'll need about $640,000 that mean 20 years times $32,000 which is 80% of your income now there's another thing you have to take a look at what they call the 4% rule for retirement withdrawals I want to make something really clear here for percent rule was designed way back in 1956 when they create it was called the modern portfolio theory has basically if you have 60% * 40% Bond portfolio is allocated portfolio<br> you could retire and withdraw 4% a year and it last year for 30 years okay sounds pretty simple right big problem be back in the mid-1950s when this was created on raising interest rates are significantly higher than they've been for the last 20 25 years and as a result this 4% rule in fact according to the American College of financial services this real need to be tweaked a little bit in fact many feel that 4% rules a little risky it's a little high and that's because the bond interest rates are so low so much lower than in 1956 so instead of the 4% with Rory people looking at it 3% under the current economic conditions in fact many people agree there are many factors built into low-risk withdrawal rate help life expectancy among guaranteed income like sources like so secure<br> pensions are also important to consider some financial advisors and I agree with them that helps you determine how much you need to stay. Also consider three things amount if you can 20% would be better in fact there's a 50 30-20 role where you spend 50% on all your expenses house is all that kind of stuff 30% of discretion your stuff and 20% you say account in your other sources such as Social Security benefits for your pensions and benefits retirement accounts with his 401k an IRA as well as a part-time employment savings then you have to take a look at what's call the asset mix are the percentage of retirement saving and stocks historically speaking the higher portfolio rate of return will be<br> if you're aiming for these Benchmark you discover you're not on track you don't want to lose hope hear the reality is focus on what you need to do to get you back up to speed this means Reviving up your annual savings opening a funny retirement account investing with conservatively or use a health savings account to save for retirement for medical cost cuz you know what the money you put in there is not taxable the other thing I advise you to do is hire a good financial advisor could be really useful and they could show you the way to get on track so for example we're just talking to Christina why many people they keep spending it spending and spending and they might be spending on the wrong things that don't allow him to build well but what you talked about is take a look at your whole life is I'm spending these things so I can have an Abundant Life abundant things to do I'm going to have my savings my investing and all that so I can have an abundant retirement you want to look at it differently don't look at it as a diet just like Christina<br> you buy score did you know the average American has 97 points they can add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts lower your new card apply for credit card how fast is scoremaster one member resource credit score site 33 points in five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster is so easy it just takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right try-scorer Master for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score savings at score savings and again that's for you know we have a great day before you<br> how many people are looking to make job changes because they just hate their job we have Helen or is that she's here she's going to help us develop an expert I can't wait though stick with us we're going to invite that more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello welcome back from the Christina wise was just wonderful with insights about money how to learn about money how to put yourself in a better position and how to change your budget with a thought in the vision of abundance which is really very cool I also talked about helping people keep on track with the benchmarks for keeping yourself on track for retirement and now we have a really special segment I just want to start out this way you evolve last 18 months we've dealt with Cobra 3 soft people get laid off we've seen people who had to work and pretty tough conditions and the reality is 60% of the people that are middle-income workers are looking to change their career in fact most people hate their job so that's why we brought in Helen Horizon she's occurred<br> Robin expert award-winning author public speaker she's the founder of Kirk coach entrepreneurs Academy and sees the inventor of the elevation Cruise Testament now one of the things you don't know about Helen and I want to tell you is she has a gift for uncovering talent in the directions to Street extraordinary results she holds a master's of Science degree in career counseling went to Cal State University Sacramento and she's professionally trained as a coach from for the international now before we get really going into this I always like to hear people story cuz it gives everybody context to where you're coming from so could you just hear your story why did you get into career counseling obviously helped a lot of people why did you get into that I knew a lot about writing and psychology<br> long story short I was in a job I really hated I like he had just become a counselor everybody said finally like it was some obvious thing that I should have seen and identified Honda in a town called Sacramento California and enrolled in a counseling program and there was one other layer which is important even though I knew there was another decision point in terms of what time and when I saw that I could become a career counselor it was like that's it I want to help people in normal adjustments in ways that are practical and work with people that are motivated to make the rice better that sounds really cool I love it when people got it called super power because sometimes people go through their whole life and they don't realize what they're super power is in there just grinding it out being frustrated so I applaud you for that everybody's listening if you're the person driving there going to try to get out of this if you want to find your superpower if you do<br> you love every day that you work it won't be hard probably work at it longer and everybody will call you dick about what you do but that's the way it goes I want to start with this one OK people stay in jobs they just hate well for very good reasons actually I'm not going to criticize your shows about your career is the single most important wealth generation that you have in most cases for most average people and so we have a job and you don't necessarily want to risk changing jobs you feel scary you stay the bad news and the good news bad news is that the pain of being in a job you hate will keep getting worse and it's like a rollercoaster I should be grateful and then it gets worse<br> being a role model to my children of the people I care about I need to do something different or I'm not going to be able to live my life to a level that I've going to be proud of me and that's really why I wrote the book but it's almost like having a friend that one day they're nice to you the next day they give you a backhanded compliment you just after a while you just build up in a Compound Effect me like okay I'm done that goes into my opening statement was 60% of middle-income workers in the US are considering a career change what's really driving that<br> there are a complex web of reason but some really fine articles he's been coming out recently Frank to parse that out not just like wow what an existential crisis we had too much time to think that's true but what is the main drivers is people who don't want to get back into a canyon and don't want to give up the life balance that they've achieved by being home for a while another driver is that people go to work with an array of personal and professional issues and being home they often found their more productive or they look back at getting into a job that they feel they can improve their salary they can negotiate because right now the list is long Steve of reasons why even entry-level workers are saying a lot of options in consideration<br> call Jonathan you feel this is probably a good time to make a career change I do I think it's a good time I think you're in a buyer's market I heard a really good story that I really enjoyed couple days ago a teacher I just could not imagine another year of remote instruction just wasn't digging it anymore and she went down the street and she walked in there are you hiring and they said we are hiring and she is making more money than she was before and the teacher she's helping people she has for life balance and not suggesting that you're healed walk down the street and get a job but I think it's a good time to get a certificate to go to short-term training to confront your supervisor or your supervisor for the company and say this is what it would take for me to stay would you be interested in working<br> so let's talk a little bit more about certificates I did a news report here in the San Diego area for the local news and we found that during the pandemic many people started taking vocational classes certificates even looking at getting degrees and we're investing in their education to create leverage and are going to go sheet with their current position or treats feel so they can move on to the next position and now are you seeing the same thing and if so and on top of that a second question is what type of classes should somebody be taking to improve their skills could I think that's really important you don't want to take underwater basket weaving cuz that's how I can help us make a good career assessment that it's going to look at your values the skills you enjoy using your temperament and your interest and when you find my book you get an assessment that does that for free<br> is very intentional because people need to understand don't go after a certificate program or short course her lordy a master's degree if you don't understand who you are and what you're telling it to do what cat you up in the morning what you would really be good at all of that so I'm just going to throw a couple of ideas out just to wet your whistle if you haven't thought about being a bookkeeper bookkeeper are desperate for help the trades almost every trade that you can imagine and you can easily get into a short course or certificate program for instruction in runs the gamut if you're interested in proof reading for some reason you're listening to me I think you really need to follow who you are and what you're passionate about and just go out there and check out that box cuz we can be time-consuming and expensive part of what do you value<br> why do people in preparation for retirement I've had people show in my office they went on vacation and they showed up my office now or two after they told her boss you're quitting and retiring but it's because they really hated what they did and they were just kind of good at it but it wasn't the thing that made him happier it was okay to be there and when we had discussions about what was your take away from doing this and it said if I really did something that I truly valued that I felt was a priority cuz yeah I probably would still be working cuz I would be okay with spending more time there I wouldn't mind the pressures of the job or trying to get things done is that something that you see with people that they select the position not really based off their values and they're anxious tired and upset with it<br> Lego things human it's complicated it might have met their needs when they were raising a family and what really mattered was putting food on the table and they were proud of that and maybe over time the job got they've mastered the job is not interesting anymore or you can have a great set of co-workers and a great supervisor leave a culture can just become poisonous and people get tired they start wanting more and so for all those reasons when they sit in your office and they say okay I need to think of something else I'm absolutely healthy I'm totally Viber and I don't want to just sit on the park alone to your and call it a day I think that's against some kind of a self-assessment may be working with coach or just a really good conversation with one of your best listeners and they'll tell you like people try to tell me that I should just become a counselor here's what you really show up with you should really pursue that<br> I had advice like that when I was 22 years old and stuck with it and I had a great mentor and it worked out very well and I don't think twice about doing what I do and my friends still feel that I'm a little gate for what I do and that's fine I love it so that's cool we're going to take a quick little break when we come back I want to talk to you about what the steps somebody needs to make to create a successful career change your book How Does it help people improve the quality of their career transition I just like to talk to you about some of the some stories about to break her changes and things like that so you might be going through this dilemma you have is concerned this issue you hate your job whatever the situation is stick with this we're going to be right back with more how many more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton but welcome back to the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun and relate to you having a healthier happier relationship with money we are talking with Helen Horizon we were talking about why people hate their job how 60% of people middle-income workers in the US are considering career changes why is that currying it's a good time to make a career change because the pay is up people can do some things we talked about educating yourself so you can put yourself in a position to increase your wages but here's some of the big things<br> what are the steps that people need to take to make sure they have a successful career change remember I mentioned that you go through the what I call the roller coaster and what a company's being comfortable with your career or contemplating a change almost always a level of anxiety because you're making a big change of big possible transition and there's a lot at Stake Street and you pick your emotion but I have never seen anyone come to me to make a crew change that wasn't an estate of the motion and that's not a great place to be when you're trying to make really good choices so the first step is to manage your emotional state and calm down and be aware of the fact that there is absolutely a process you can follow this is not rocket science you will be able to make the script change come down and then you begin what I call the journey which is doing self-reflective look at your identity<br> that's a great question and then after you've got that piece you got a vision now we can start the assessment of course I'm lost and then you do your research and in this day and age you can use resources like Google and deed LinkedIn to identify if you thought like a quilt of entrusting I'm interested in radio I'm interested in helping people by searching those keywords and putting the pieces together be aware that your career is a design problem it's not matching exercise is not a single thing there's a combination of things that would make you happiest. I will bring it to you when I call the Moment of Truth or you will be begging me and everyone else in the world that this is going to work out it takes guts it takes courage and you will step 4<br> something new and feel like you're really living up to your potential changes a super self-esteem boosting thing to do and I think it's really great because there is times way back in my life where I was frustrated and I was like I just got to get out of here and that emotional state that one's and quite frankly I probably made a bad decision at least one but then when I realized that hey this is really about finding the perfect fit for me then it became more of a logical process that I had to follow and it's almost like an if-then type thing I'm not a computer guy but I mean like if this happens in this happens if this is a fit and I was able to find a position at one place before I went on my own and it was just like a glove I mean it was such a good fit and I'm not boasting my own thing but I've heard about this from others where I was hired in<br> one position six months later I was at another position and this is a hundred-year-old organization I was 20 years old by new peers were all in their sixties it was such a good fit for me that I took the worst-performing business unit and it became the best-performing business unit inside of six months and then they would put me from one bed to the next I made them all work and it was just a great thing and and that kind of ended when you talked about the shift the Personnel because the person that I ended up working for that vice president retired and they brought in somebody else who had been there longer than I had but she had her click and all the sudden I became the three-fingered stepchild even though I can still performed and everything and it was my turn to say okay I'm in the wrong place it's time to move on and I moved on and moved on to better pastures but I got to say<br> it could have been better suited for me and that environment in the way I operated because I looked at the fit more than anything else cuz I actually interviewed probably 15 or 16 places and I actually told him I said I don't think this is right there for me I want to thank you for your time and you're the first person I've ever said that to me<br> do I just got to say I love what you said because it makes a lot of sense now<br> how's your book help people improve the quality of their career transition<br> I think the key is you need to know what to do where do I start what is the structure of a successful transition would first second third fourth I really need the model that is the structure for the book and then I have story after story after Story the kind of shows how you lose through the structure or just validating that yes this is who I am and this is what I want other people who made dramatic changes and then some people who maybe should have done something a little differently so I think you need inspiration you need to pass the follow you need an assessment and you need good advice about do this not that in your book where they can get it because I know it has the free assessment which is worth it<br> so the book is elevate your career live a life you're truly proud of you know Amazon Barnes & Noble or my website Helen would be a great place to get it no tell me some stories are grapefruit changes I'd love to hear about those cuz everybody wants to hear a positive story if they're thinking about this and they want to be like somebody else he's done well what am I to change my office who is functioning as a paralegal who would finish law school and he was plugging the bar exam I think three times now in any society a lawyer is a very prestigious thing to be and it's very expensive and time-consuming to get to the point where you have and he's like I don't think this is right for me but I don't know that I can give this quick now and ask him what what are you really enjoy and he apparently later told me said she that was the stupidest question ever going to get out of you but he answered me<br> luxury car luxury Jaguars BMWs that contain I'll make a long story short you know he didn't want to be a car salesperson but what he wanted to do is start his own dealership and but he couldn't because and believe me that is where all of your understanding way I want to be something but I can't because they're all good reason and you got to knock those down and his biggest fan and I helped him negotiate a loan with his father with an interest rate and firm he opened up a little ochie downtown and he is one of the most beloved sources in this town for electromotive car that's awesome because you would think the story would go like what they became a senior vice president at so-and-so but that's not the case and the reality he's probably completely happy<br> and he knows how to make a lot of money on it which is wonderful that's the part where I love people find their superpower whatever it is it is and if that's you you can do your own vital work and it makes life worth living now what final advice would you have for someone who's unhappy in their job and ready to make a change I'm going to take a little bit more out of that story she had to have the courage to tell his wife he didn't want to be a lawyer risk people judging him going into an occupation that maybe didn't look as high-status so if you're making a change considering making a change yourself and in the end everyone else who cares about you and loves you will be happier and I'll be true to yourself I think it's wonderful everybody this is Helen oryza could you do us a favor and let everybody know how they can get a hold of you again how they get your book we're coming to the end of our segments and I'm just thankful that you're able to impart this information for everybody<br> I know it's going to make a difference in your life that means a lot to me probably the easiest thing I'm sorry it's not easy to spell h o r y z a. Com that'll get you to my services in my book Hill and thank you so much if you're okay with it I'd like to have you back sometime in the future because what you offer in the advice you give I'll just say this I can't be told enough thank you so much I appreciate you being part of the saving with Steve show and I know it's all about the ins-and-outs of money but making your crew change is about the ins-and-outs of money one of the biggest takeaways I heard is make sure you do your vital work by your superpower and today is a great time for the job market to make a change so thanks again have a great day we'll see you Tuesday buy it was wonderful to have her here the takeaway is that I have from that or just special go to hell in her eyes up. Come get her if<br> Mason get that book at the assessment the whole shot now I want to let you know this segment was brought to you by scoremaster did you know the average American has 97.6 and adds to the credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist at scoremaster crack the code on how Eddie 97 points your credit score is like found money from buying or refinancing a home the least get a new card applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in just two weeks scoremaster so easy to just takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add to your credit score go to score paintings that score dating again that score lady I want to thank you all for joining us right here on the Steve show we had a wonderful show with Christina why<br> Josh I can only get you a couple of talking points we have with Christina because you have such a wonderful information and then we had Helen Horizon if you're looking to make a career change in Delhi want to check her out next week we have the senator he's going to talk about how he uncovered the corruption in Cleveland Ohio we also have Christina Vandergriff and vacation rentals will look forward to seeing you next week same dates a channel have a great week be safe be healthy bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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