Rights Radio, May 21, 2008
Topic: Homeowners Insurance Consumer Rights, including: Top mistakes to avoid when looking for affordable homeowners insurance; How you can hold insurance companies accountable; What to do if your homeowners insurance has been canceled; and insurance legislation issues that must be addressed, including: home hardening, base pricing structure on willingness to write new business, slow progress of new companies entering the market First look anywhere at consumer overall satisfaction ratings of their homeowner insurance companies.
Guest: Michael J. Letcher, President, Home Insurance Buyers Guide, LLC (homeownersinsuranceguide.org)
Date: May 21, 2008
Rights Radio

Rights Radio with Dr. Joyce Starr on BBS Radio.
Rights Radio, Rights Radio Power Hour, Homeowners, condo owners, HOA members and pet owners (pet guardians) have a right to timely, accurate homeowner and natural pet care information that can protect treasured homes and beloved pets.