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Rights Radio, April 2, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Topic: Communicating with your pet in this life and in the after-life.

Guest: Madeleine Walker, pet communicator,  healer and author of the new book on pet communications, Exchange of Love (Fall, 2008 An Exchange of Madeleine believes that our pets have often been with us through many incarnations. As life-long friends, they have access to parts of our subconscious that we ourselves often unable to access. Exchange of Love represent the one life form's ability to heal the other.

Date: April 2, 2008 at 5:pm EST

Rights Radio

Rights Radio with Dr. Joyce Starr, banner
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Dr. Joyce Starr

Rights Radio with Dr. Joyce Starr on BBS Radio.

Rights Radio, Rights Radio Power Hour, Homeowners, condo owners, HOA members and pet owners (pet guardians) have a right to timely, accurate homeowner and natural pet care information that can protect treasured homes and beloved pets.

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