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Reach For It Radio Show, January 28, 2016

Carmel Glenane
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Reach For It Radio Show
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Awaken Your Immortal Intelligent Heart

This week on Reach For It Radio Show, Christina Winslow celebrates the newest release from Big Country Publishing by International Best Selling Author, Carmel Glenane!  Glenane, author of “Awaken Your Immortal Intelligent Heart, A Blueprint for Living in the Now” will bring to us the discovery of the secret power of your immortal intelligent heart. Carmel will reveal new scientific evidence that your heart has an important role in supporting the endocrine function of the entire human body. She will also talk about the integration of the light and the shadows of the heart through her teachings. Carmel Glenna B.A. Dip. Ed. is founder of the Atlantis Rising Mystery School and Healing Center located in Australia. She is a powerful, interactive, and dynamic motivational speaker. A channeled writer, esoteric teacher, and sought-after healer, Carmel is known for her transformative tours, sacred ceremonies, and powerful vortex gridding around the world in sacred tour destinations such as Peru, Hawaii, North America, Turkey, India, Bali, Bolivia, Japan, Egypt and the great central heart of Australia, Uluru.

Guest, Carmel Glenane

Guest Name
Carmel Glenane
Carmel Glenane
Guest Biography

Carmel Glenane B.A. Dip Ed. Owner/Director of Atlantis Rising Healing Centre™ and Mystery School.  Founder of the philosophy of The Divine Feminine in 2002 and Senju Kannon™ Reiki in 2008, teaches The Divine Feminine Mysteries through her Mystery School Ascension Training program.   A powerful interactive and dynamic motivational speaker; Channeled writer, esoteric teacher and sought after healer.  Carmel is known for her transformative tours to Sacred Destinations such as Hawaii, North, Central and South America, Turkey, India, Bali, Japan 3 Tours, Egypt 12 Tours and the great central heart of Australia, Uluru. With over 20 years in business in Personal Development, Carmel’s intent is to allow people to receive through the Heart’s Intelligence through The Mother’s wisdom.

Carmel is the Australian Ambassador for as Director of Happy Spirits and is currently writing training programs for all her books to take her courses On Line.

Reach For It Radio Show

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow, banner
Show Host
Christina Calisto Winslow

Reach For It Radio™ is a live weekly broadcast on BBS Radio, hosted by best selling author Christina Calisto Winslow. Tune in every Thursday at 11am PST, 2pm ET, for an enlightening and entertaining hour about life, love, finances, spirituality, health, and business as Christina challenges the status quo. This show is dedicated to assisting listeners to reach higher to attain what they really want out of life. Christina brings no-nonsense and practical tools to her listeners though her interviews with great thinkers, healers, and spiritual teachers of the world combined with her intuitive coaching abilities. Callers will be given the assistance to remove blocks and become empowered to see what is actually possible in their life. Reach For It Radio™ is a catalyst for change and provides new ways for you to reach for the stars!

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