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Raising Expectations, September 9, 2024

Frank Roberson, with The Black Rhino Protection Agency
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Raising Expectations
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With Guest, Frank Roberson, with The Black Rhino Protection Agency

Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer

With Guest, Frank Roberson, with The Black Rhino Protection Agency

We are glad to have our good friend and security- protection specialist Frank Roberson back with us this week! 
He is a man who has trained using his God given skills to become one the best in personal protection today, founding his agency “Black Rhino Executive Protection Investigations”.
Many sought Frank’s opinions on the events and coverage of the assassination attempt on President Trump. He has great insight on what we are facing with the criminal elements that have infiltrated illegally across the borders. Frank brings it all down to “where we live” as members of society today.
Protecting our families and friends. In his own words;
“Learning how to spot pre-event indicators can significantly improve personal safety. Whether you’re at the grocery store or attending church, detecting potential threats is key to staying safe.” 
*Response should be conditioned and automatic. 
We should know what to do and how to do it.
We know that God gives us gifts and talents to use for what He calls us to do in life.
Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Our relationship with Him grows as we experience His presence in all situations. When  we respond automatically we often see God at work and we’re so thankful! 
Sometimes we have to ask Him “why” … and then as we listen for His response- we are amazed and thankful for what we have learned and instilled in our lives… and ready to advance to the next adventure God has prepared just for each of us!
Frank cares about people and he is a person you will truly appreciate knowing! He has trained and uses Gods gifts and talents to benefit us all.  *Perhaps best of all , talking with his Lord and Savior as his “ friend” each day! He and his wife Christy are a special couple.
We all look forward to Franks show with us…tune in and watch friends;

Don't forget to check out Frank's new organization at:
So tune in and watch on one of five platforms listed below and prayerfully share your comments with us!
*May God speak to all of US reminding US how much we love Him and His Precious Word! 🙏📖
Till then, have a blest selfless weekend and see you on…
“Raising Expectations !”
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Pastor Joe Joe Schofield
Dr. Paul Paul Hall
Pastor Ron Ron Greer

Headlined Show, Raising Expectations September 9, 2024

Raising Expectations with Friend of the show, Security-Protection Specialist, Frank Roberson
Broadcast Date

We are glad to have our good friend and security- protection specialist Frank Roberson back with us this week! 
He is a man who has trained using his God given skills to become one the best in personal protection today, founding his agency “Black Rhino Executive Protection Investigations”.
Many sought Frank’s opinions on the events and coverage of the assaination attempt on President Trump. He has great insight on what we are facing with the criminal elements that have infiltrated illegally across the borders. Frank brings it all down to “where we live” as members of society today.
Protecting our families and friends. In his own words;
“Learning how to spot pre-event indicators can significantly improve personal safety. Whether you’re at the grocery store or attending church, detecting potential threats is key to staying safe.” 
*Response should be conditioned and automatic. 
We should know what to do and how to do it.
We know that God gives us gifts and talents to use for what He calls us to do in life.
Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Our relationship with Him grows as we experience His presence in all situations. When  we respond automatically we often see God at work and we’re so thankful! 
Sometimes we have to ask Him “why” … and then as we listen for His response- we are amazed and thankful for what we have learned and instilled in our lives… and ready to advance to the next adventure God has prepared just for each of us!
Frank cares about people and he is a person you will truly appreciate knowing! He has trained and uses Gods gifts and talents to benefit us all.  *Perhaps best of all , talking with his Lord and Savior as his “ friend” each day! He and his wife Christy are a special couple.
We all look forward to Franks show with us…tune in and watch friends;

Guest, Frank Roberson

Guest Name
Frank Roberson
Frank Roberson
Guest Occupation
Security-Protection Specialist, Executive Protection Agent, Counterintelligence Threat Specialist, Private Investigator
Guest Biography

About Frank A. Roberson

Black Rhino embodies the extensive experience and expertise of seasoned executive protection agents, investigators and counterintelligence threat analysts. In the past, our team has experience protecting elected officials, military leaders, high profile CEO’s and ultra high net worth individuals around the world.

Our elite team of protectors and investigators excels in delivering high-level protection and background services to address a diverse spectrum of threats. Whether you require protection for your family, mitigation of risks such as, specialized threat assessments or advance planning, Black Rhino offers professional services professional services dedicated to safeguarding and protecting people.




Executive Protection Agent

Counterintelligence Threat Specialist

Private Investigator

Over his 20 year career as an executive protection agent, Frank has protected elected officials, high profile CEO’s and ultra wealthy individuals and families. He is a sought after expert on protection advance operational strategies and protective intelligence.
Frank serves on the exclusive Board of Executive Protection Professionals, is a Texas licensed Personal Protection Officer, Certified Security Manager & Private investigator.. Frank also serves as a member of the National Security Policy & Analysis Organization and Society for Defense and Strategic Studies. Frank’s presentation on identity theft, reputation management and situational awareness is a fun but powerful in-depth look at what we call the “Black Rhino” that can affect our everyday lives and those around us.

Recently, Frank has been added to the speaker series with the Strategic Warfare and Tactics Club, a counterintelligence organization who hosts the Counterintelligence & Insider Threat Conference.

Frank lives in Arlington, TX with his wife, Christy and their four dogs. When he has down time, Frank plays golf and  draws custom cartoons for his successful online cartoon business.

Raising Expectations

Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield
Pastor Joe Schofield

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Raising Expectations is a new program that will look at the past, giving greater insight into the present, and may produce authentic anticipation, raising expectations for the future! Joe will discuss major issues that confront us on national, political, and worldwide events, to the simple things that we think about and make unconscious personal decisions every day!

Freedom, Family, Finances, Faith, along with a myriad of other topics and all the intricacies involved in each of them...from a personal community perspective, that makes up what we call "Your Life in America Today!"

Informative, inclusive, intentional, interesting, and always encouraging. Each program will raise our expectations individually. We may begin looking at the future in a positive way, happy to try new ideas and methods with clear hopes of how things can change for the better in the future. Feeling more content, one topic at a time! So, let not your hearts be troubled...we can go from good, to better, to best in the future TOGETHER!

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8:55 pm CT
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