Raising Expectations, December 16, 2024

Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer
With Guest, Pastor Will Hobbs - A Call to Prayer During this Holiday Season
Dear Friends,
As you and our team prayerfully attend Christmas programs at church, family gatherings in homes, neighborhood walks to see Christmas lights and more, you will be in our prayers!
As we said last week, Christmas is about the Greatest Gift ever given to the world. It’s not just about decorations, lights, trees and gifts , but rather a reminder that no one is beyond Gods reach or love. The miracle and prayer stay with us always… now there’s an expectaions raiser!
For all God gave us at Christmas, I always think first of (simply put) two things…
1. He was born in a manger because there was no room for them anyplace in Bethlehem! One couple took pity on them and gave them their barn which was really a small cave where animals would sleep and take shelter.
It was a dirty, disgusting and undesirable place. They laid Him in a manger there - a rough trough from which the animals ate their food. What a humbling setting… *but God had a reason, to show us that He always shows up in the most unlikely places. His love doesn’t start at the top and work its way to the bottom…No His love starts at the very bottom and works its way up to the top! It’s a beautiful story that reminds us that no one is beyond Gods reach and love!
2. Secondly, when God really wanted to express His level of love for us and desire to change us, to know us personally, *He Showed up in person! He said there is no place I won’t go in order to find you and connect with you!
Friends, Christmas is time to celebrate that Almighty God didn’t forget us. He didn’t send a book and say read this…no He showed up in person!
So take Him out of the manger and receive Him into your heart by faith!
Discover how He will show up for us everyday in every way for He is only a Prayer away!
As the Great old hymn says;
Oh how I love Jesus
Oh how I love Jesus…
Oh how I love Jesus
Because He First loved me!
Merry Christmas from myself and all your “ Raising Expectations “ team family
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6:00 pm Pacific
8:00pm Central
9:00 pm Eastern
Pastor Joe Joe Schofield
Dr. Paul Paul Hall
Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer
Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer
Pastor Ron Ron Greer
Raising Expectations

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Raising Expectations is a new program that will look at the past, giving greater insight into the present, and may produce authentic anticipation, raising expectations for the future! Joe will discuss major issues that confront us on national, political, and worldwide events, to the simple things that we think about and make unconscious personal decisions every day!
Freedom, Family, Finances, Faith, along with a myriad of other topics and all the intricacies involved in each of them...from a personal community perspective, that makes up what we call "Your Life in America Today!"
Informative, inclusive, intentional, interesting, and always encouraging. Each program will raise our expectations individually. We may begin looking at the future in a positive way, happy to try new ideas and methods with clear hopes of how things can change for the better in the future. Feeling more content, one topic at a time! So, let not your hearts be troubled...we can go from good, to better, to best in the future TOGETHER!