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Radio Toni Every Day Business with Lisa Coletta, November 24, 2020

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Radio Toni Every Day Business with Lisa Coletta
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Guest, Irene Lomis

Radio Toni Every Day Business with Lisa Coletta, a Corporate Governance specialist, and Toni Lontis

Lisa is a passionate corporate governance change leader who leads a collective of senior specialists that shape, drive and implement ‘right sized’ efficient governance policy and related frameworks and processes holistically in businesses.

Having worked in both the private and public sector Lisa with CEOs, advising Chairs, Boards, Committees, Managing Directors and Executives on corporate governance, HR and delivery of business strategy.

Lisa holds a multiple degrees in management, corporate governance, company directors and is an NLP practitioner. Suffice to say she is well qualified and experienced in corporate management, education and training. Her passion is heart centred leadership.

Over the course of the last 8 weeks we have had some wonderful conversations with Lisa about all things governance and heart centred leadership. For our last show we will not only have Lisa but the lovely Irene Lomis joining us too. Before we do that I want to quickly recap some of the conversations we have had.

Good morning Lisa and hello again Irene – welcome to both of you

  • Last week we spoke about heart centred leadership and spirituality or the idea that we have a human connection to something bigger than ourselves. Effective  leaders understand the importance of employees finding meaning in their work, and those leaders establish an organizational culture based on values, employees' well-being and corporate social responsibility. Lisa Im wondering if you can recap your thoughts on this and then Id love to include Irene in this conversation.

  • Back in week 2 we spoke about Business and Corporate Governance – why is organization structure so important, processes, operations, risk management, ethical issues, be investor ready, trust and transparency. Why should every business have an organizational structure and the framework policy and processes around this Lisa? Irene have you seen the value in smaller businesses using these concepts with success.

  • In week 3 we touched on the importance of team management, training and organizational policy that supports this. Why should business see “investment in the human element in business is a profit-making proposition” and therefore important - Lisa and Irene can you tell our audience why its important? Lets talk performance appraisal and how that can drive business success, roles and role descriptions

  • This show we also started the convo about heart centred vs ego centred leadership and Id like to remind the audience of what makes a HC leader vs and ego centred leader. Irene what makes a HC leader – Lisa what is evident in ego centred leadership

  • Week 5 - this week we want to talk about related party transactions, conflicts of interest, ethics, values and boundaries – a great conversation. Lisa can you tell us what related party transactions are? Irene remind the listeners why its important to have company values and ethics

  • Week 6 was all about hard conversations, remaining professional and owning your part if any in this process. – Lisa's story and if Irene has a story

  • Webinars and connection with Lisa and the team

  • Toni’s Strategic intent – because I’ve co hosted with Lisa, why it prompted me to do this work and if I share mine it might encourage all the CEOs and business owners listening to do theirs – here's how you can partner with Lisa an get this work happening in your own company or business.

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Radio Toni Every Day Business with Lisa Coletta

Radio Toni Every Day Business with Lisa Coletta
Lisa Coletta

Lisa is a passionate corporate governance change leader who leads a collective of senior specialists that shape, drive and implement ‘right sized’ efficient governance policy and related frameworks and processes holistically in businesses.


At the GovernanceCollective, we believe that good governance is an essential ingredient in today’s business landscape. We support businesses to increase their effectiveness and agility against a backdrop of accelerating change, market uncertainty, increasing complexity and rising expectations of customers and stakeholders.

Click on any of the topics to read more.


Providing advice to Business Owners, CEOs, Chairs, Board members and Executives on the effective application of corporate governance in their areas of accountabilities.


Providing consulting services delivering and implementing processes, policies and frameworks.


Working one on one to support Board Chairs, Board Members and Executives in developing their leadership potential.


Partnership with organizations to provide valuable individual and governance environment assessments.


Partnering with organizations to provide valuable individual ad training awareness sessions and workshops to aid with development and implementation.

We’d love to help you and your organization work better. 

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