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The Author and Artist Hour, May 16, 2021

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Radio Toni A Conversation with Kez
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Kez Wickham St George, new book, The Cuppa Tree

Radio Toni A Conversation with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis

This show series is focused on authors and co-hosted with my amazing new co-host Kez Wickham St George

Kez Wickham St George is the driver of her own creativity and her passion is to inspire and nurture others to tell their stories. Her values are simple; when you touch a heart; we can change a life. By encouraging you to write or journal her belief is, it will only add value to your life.

Today I want to talk to Kez about her latest book – The Cuppa Tree

A story of a woman who lived loved and learned caravanning in the outback.

Sit around the metaphorical campfire with author Kez Wickham St George as she brings you on an unexpected journey throughout the pages of The Cuppa Tree. This natural-born storyteller will share tales from experiences and stories shared on her travels around Australia.

Are you ready to go on a nomadic adventure in The Cuppa Tree?

I wanted to start the show by reading just a couple of paragraphs in Kez’s New book.

The small fire lit outside my little home on wheels, halfway across the Nullarbor Plain, casts orange flickers and shadows upon our faces. I raise my cup of billy tea to the sky in gratitude. ‘Thank you,’ I say out loud.

‘Amen to that!’ is echoed by Eric, Doll, and Gordi as they, too, lift their tin mugs as a sign of respect.

These are my fireside companions for the night; all of us traveling through the Australian outback, all of us mesmerized by the universal light show on display.

Yes, I am traveling once again, and the fine red dust that coats my skin and my hair is pure joy to me. The cold wind of the night desert wraps its frosty mantle around my shoulders. And I wait to once again be part of the words, stories, poems, and descriptions I’ve heard or been told of an Australian desert at night.

Well, my friends, they have it right. Admiration for the world’s glow sits deep in my chest as I wait for the universal sky show. The last of a deep sunset covers the scrub-covered land, where intense mauves are sinking into the night sky like a deep bruise upon Earth’s soft face. The night sky comes suddenly upon us as the last white streak of an aero plane flying to far-off countries fades away in the distance. And finally, the myriad dance of stars twinkles overhead, no longer concealed by the acrid smoke and yellow fog blanket that covers the city we left behind. Out here they shine faithfully every night. Most people in the city jungle fail to notice them, their days packed with the busyness of life.

I’d never thought this was in my future, especially now being in my mid-sixties; yet here I am, strong in all ways. And I am so incredibly grateful for what I have. Lessons from the past have been well learnt; some were unwanted but appreciated, and they too have been taken on board in my journey of life. My future now investigates unknown adventures once again, this time with my new travel companion, Gordi. The miles have slipped away along the long Nullarbor Plain. Thankfully, so too, has some of the stress enveloping me since returning home from New Zealand. This is my new home, a fourteen-foot motor home, and hopefully, a new way of life.

  1. This is the latest book, is this the 10th or 11th for you?

  2. Tell us about the books inception?

  3. What’s the process you follow when writing?

  4. At the beginning of the story you start with a tale of the publisher – lets talk about that experience and what you learnt?

  5. What other tales can we expect in the book?

  6. Where can people buy?

  7. You have a give way for the listeners today – what is it?

  8. Whats next besides hosting with me…

  9. Colours of Me anthology lead in and my chapter

  10. The Retreat in Perth in September

Just released my next co-authored book with Corey Pointer and it's in pre-release sales now!

I'm so excited to announce that we are officially releasing the new book that I'm a part of, bLU Talks Presents Business, Life and The Universe, Vol. 4. 

This book is part of a series (think Chicken Soup meets TEDx) and the stories are inspirational, educational, motivational and most of all, vulnerable. 

The books include 30(ish) stories by co-authors that have bared their soul, and I truly think this book can, and will, transform lives.

The book is in the pre-order stage now, and when you grab a copy, whether for yourself or a gift for someone else, you get the book, and also some cool bonuses. One of the bonuses is a LIVE Q&A with bLU Talks Founder where he'll answer your questions around podcasting, speaking, writing, and even around some behind-the-scenes stuff from his celebrity interviews over the years.

A second bonus is a Q&A with bestselling strategies Kelly Falardeau where you can ask your questions about writing and releasing your own book.

Did I mention you can grab a copy for roughly $20.00? 

  1. Toni you’ve just co authored a book haven’t you – what is it?

  2. Why Co author in anthologies

The Author and Artist Hour

The Author and Artist Hour with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis
Kez Wickham St George

Kez is ever the storyteller and a popular speaker at many local events; However mentoring others to tell their stories has become a large part of Kez’s life, running creative writing workshops for those that have a story to tell.

Encouraging and mentoring others to follow their passion for writing has resulted in four of her writing protégés becoming published authors. Kez also invites published authors in fiction to contact her, as she enjoys introducing their work to Facebook and Instagram by video.

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